Recovering from a brain injury – a topic that many of are affected by – can also come down to what you're putting in your body. My guest tonight, Cavin Balaster, actually had to rebuild his brain function after a shocking and devastating brain injury.  And through functional medicine and nutrition, he was able to recover amazingly from his tragic accident.  I can't wait for you to hear Cavin's story. It's so inspiring and insightful, while also really making us think about the importance of what we put in our bodies, no matter how healthy we are.  Tonight on Dr. Lo Radio, we're chatting all about brain recovery and health – and what you can do today to keep your brain in top form. In 2011, Cavin survived a two-story fall, was comatose for twelve days, diagnosed with a diffuse axonal injury (DAI) and was given less than a 10% chance of recovery. Once awake, he suffered from severe brain fog, memory loss, breathing problems, double-vision, serious infections, and was ultimately unable to eat, walk, or talk for several months. With the support of family and friends, he pushed himself through various treatments and worked to regain most of his functioning. Throughout his recovery, he documented each important event, corresponding with practitioners to understand metabolism, neuro-metabolism, and mechanisms of neuroplastiticity in order to find the most effective methods to rehabilitate his brain and body after a devastating brain injury. Today, Cavin is a speaker and educator and it has become his mission to help people feed their brains nutritionally, cognitively, and spiritually.
