In this captivating episode of the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast, Dr. David Jockers explores the intricate world of liver health and its pivotal role in overall well-being. Say goodbye to dull monologues, because we're unraveling the mysteries behind those nagging symptoms like fatigue, mental fog, and pesky abdominal weight.


Joining the conversation is the esteemed Dr. Holly Lucille, offering invaluable insights into the complexities of fatty liver disease. She sheds light on its underlying causes, emphasizing that it's not merely about dietary choices but also intricate metabolic factors.


Rest assured, Dr. Jockers and Dr. Lucille deliver actionable strategies. From fine-tuning your diet to incorporating regular physical activity, their advice is grounded in practicality. And let's not overlook the potency of nature's remedies - think milk thistle and turmeric, potent allies in nurturing liver health.


In This Episode: 

02:17 Deep Dive into Fatty Liver Disease

02:47 Introduction to Guest Dr. Holly Lucille

03:50 Understanding Fatty Liver Disease

05:43 Symptoms and Diagnosis of Fatty Liver Disease

14:20 Causes of Fatty Liver Disease

17:36 Strategies for Healing and Repairing Fatty Liver

22:47 The Power of Milk Thistle for Liver Health

23:35 Using Food as Medicine: Milk Thistle Seeds

24:16 The Benefits of Bitter Foods and Herbs

24:44 The Magic of Turmeric and Curcumin

29:38 The Importance of Glutathione and Amino Acids

36:41 The Role of Hydration and Movement in Liver Health

40:10 The Impact of Lifestyle Changes on Liver Health

41:35 Closing Thoughts and Final Tips


Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.



Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula, you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver. 



Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans. 


When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!



“Your genetics can load the gun, but your lifestyle pulls the trigger"

- Dr. Holly Lucille


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