"The funniest weight loss and fitness radio show on the internet." Please click on the POD button to listen to this weeks Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy show. Our new and improved podcast is now commercial free. This week Doctor Fitness gives you the skinny on four calorie saving ideas that will keep you slim. Dr. Shafran's tips this week are 1) After you pour milk in your cereal, drain the milk out before you eat it. 2) When you crave salty snacks go with edamame beans or a pickle instead of chips 3) When you crave sweets go with a low calorie candy like gobstoppers or bottlecaps 4) When you go out to eat share an entree with your partner. Sushi has it right with small portions. If you missed this weeks show live you missed some funny stuff like: Adam telling us he has been mistaken for Simon Cowell from American Idol more than once; Lee invented a new soon to be fitness craze Sudoku Cardio; Jordan Rice, CEO of Immediate Medcare is bullish on doctors, paperless offices and transportable medical files; Dick and Rick Hoyt (recently featured on Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel on HBO) have competed in hundreds of endurance events like triathalons, marathons and duathalons. They are training right now for their 25th Boston Marathon. Other things we talked about were: how Fat Tuesday is the Fat Guy's favorite holiday; next time Team Hoyt are in Atlanta they are going to race Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy in a 50 yard dash; are websites like www.webmd.com and TV shows like House and Scrubs going to make doctors obsolete and Max ate broccoli only after the Fat Guy bribed him with the Spiderman Play Station 2 video game. Check out our blog at www.weightlossradio.blogspot.com for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website www.drfitnessandthefatguy.com to subscribe to our FREE weekly newsletter. Special thanks to our guests this week... Jordan Rice, CEO of Immediate Medcare, the first customer service oriented (free Starbucks coffee and current magazines in the waiting rooms), paperless medical center can be reached at www.immediate-medcare.com. And read all about the inspiring story of Rick and Dick Hoyt at www.teamhoyt.com. You can donate money to the Easter Seals at that site as well as check their book and dvd.