We’re trying something new. First we will podcast our show in it’s
entirety then we’ll release just the guest interviews during the week.
So please click on the POD button to listen to Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy interview Tiffany Davis, Atlanta Editor of the Daily Candy. She gave us her most creative Valentines Day Gift Ideas (Thanks for noticing the health and fitness theme): 

1. Go High Fidelity old
school in a new way. Make your special someone a mix tape. Now it's so easy
- just sign them up for www.lastfm.com and spy on what music they like then make them a mix tape from their favorites. Now they can work out to the music they really like.

2. Have pilates or yoga by candlelight. There’s a lady at www.cafephysique.com thats hosting classes through Valentine’s Day in Atlanta. Or learn how to do your own moves at home with this Crunch Fitness DVD that’s available online called Crunch Candlelight Yoga http://www.amazon.com/Crunch-Candlelight-Yoga-Sara-Ivanhoe/dp/B00006FMB2

3. Believe in SAD…Seasonal Affective Disorder or winter depression? The Fat Guy doesn't, but if you do buy them a Sun Jar! http://www.uncommongoods.com/item/item.jsp?itemId=15557&gclid=CKKG89-TkJECFQMRlwodlkU2GA

Its literally a mason jar that charges with solar
energy, and when you cap it, it glows with ambient light. $30-40.

4. Trick out a pair of running shoes for your special Valentine at www.converse.com, and www.nike.com, and www.vans.com

5. Order a batch of La Dolce Lulu’s baking batter.
She makes wheat/gluten-free and vegan varieties. All you have to mix
are eggs and fresh milk or cream. She’s just started a cookie of the
month club, too. Her website is www.ladolcelulu.com Created by Lindsey Walsworth a Daily Candy Sweetest Things 2007 nominee

5. Split a DC Duby science kit with your VDay partner. This was designed by a husband and wife team of molecular gastronomists. Not astronomers So the
kit is made to make you savor (not rush though) a box of chocolates AND
learn about your palette, too. http://www.dailycandy.com/everywhere/article/25075/Popular+Science

Avail at: http://www.dcduby.com/

6. And lastly don’t forget to check out DailyCandy Printable Valentines! http://www.dailycandy.com/los_angeles/article/29366/Show+Some+Love

As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other
health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast
button and check out the entire show right now. Don’t forget to check
out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at www.drfitnessblog.com for
more tips about weight loss and Dr. Adam Shafran’s analysis of all
things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned
website www.drfitnessandthefatguy.com
to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all
the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can
also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will
personally answer each one. Promise!! Don’t forget to look us up on all
your favorite Social Networking sites like: Facebook, MySpace,
Friendster, Bebo, Imeem, Xanga, Squidoo and more. Please forward this
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