"The funniest weight loss and fitness radio show on the internet." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy show. Our new and improved podcast is now commercial free and streamlined. This week we've included the entire show in one podcast. On this show Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about coaching top athletes and overcoming a physical challenge. First we had Sarah Reinertsen share her inspirational journey from having a leg amputated at age 7 to becoming the first woman amputee to finish the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii. You can get a ton of great information about Sarah and about how she helps other physically challenged athletes get the equipment they need to compete at the highest levels from her website www.IAmSarah.org We also had on one of Dr. Fitness' heroes, legendary tennis coach Brad Gilbert. Brad has coached two of America's biggest stars (Andre Agassi and Andy Roddick) to Grand Slam championships as well as Number 1 rankings. He shared lots of stories from the tour as well as insight into who he thinks is on the brink of greatness. Check out Brad's website www.bradgilberttennis.com and buy his best selling books, "Winning Ugly" and "I've Got Your Back" You can also read his blog which he updates regularly with all his insights on the latest tennis news. You can see Brad on ESPN where he is usually commentating on the biggest matches they cover. As always, if you missed the show live, you missed some funny stuff. Like Dr. Fitness' Top Tips for being the best tennis payer in your neighborhood, The Fat Guy's tips are also in there. Click the podcast button and check it out now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at www.weightlossradio.blogspot.com for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website www.drfitnessandfatguy.com to subscribe to our FREE weekly newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Special thanks to our guests this week... Sarah Reinertsen and Brad Gilbert. Next week our guests are Erica from Amansala, home of the Original Bikini Boot Camp. Check her out at www.amansala.com. We also have on John Spencer Ellis, the celebrity fitness trainer who is a mix between Tony Robbins and Jack Lalanne. John's website is www.johnspencerellis.com