"The funniest weight loss and fitness radio show on the internet." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy show.  

On tonight's show Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about women and their body image issues from author Leslie Goldman. She wrote the book "Locker Room Diaries: The Naked Truth about Women, Body Image and Re-Imagining the "Perfect" Body." She was recently a guest on the Today Show and her book has been featured in
People Magazine. Leslie is a health and medical writer for the American Medical Association and a regular contributor for the Chicago Tribune,  Health, Marie Claire, Redbook and Self. Some of her stories from the women's locker room were funny and some were a little disturbing. She told us about 14 year old girls getting bikini waxes because a character on the O.C. was getting one. I don't know what's scarier the kid wanting one or the parent taking her to get one. Please go to Leslie's website www.LRDiaries.com and learn more about this eye opening book. In her book and on our radio show Leslie also shares her tips to help young women feel better about their bodies.  If you are a parent of a teenage daughter I highly recommend this book and website.

We also had on Diane Whitman. Diane is currently a business coach with Realized Potential Inc. in Atlanta, GA.  Diane was a professional golfer on the LPGA tour. She has been able to take what she learned playing golf at the highest level and transfer some of the lessons in order to help businesses grow and realize their fullest potential. Diane's website is www.realizedpotentialinc.com and it is filled with info about her as well as tips and other good stuff.

Once again SuperCop Sean visited. Tonight's Sean highlight occured when he tried to explain the benfits of carrying pepper spray while you jog. Just make sure that any wind is blowing on the bad guy when you spray him. 

The Doctor also shared his tips on how to get out of an exercise slump and get  back on your program again. I think these were his best tips in a long time. He said to start right away - don't put off exercising until that infamous Monday morning - start right this minute - or when you're done reading this blog entry. He gave several other tips including watching "Rocky" which is his favorite movie but you'll have to listen to get the rest of the tips.

The fat guy shared a story about going to the dermatologist to get a lesion removed from his face. The doctor and Super Cop Sean made sure to tease the fat guy about the thing on his face. The doctor had some story about Alabama that really didn't interest anyone in the studio and he seems to be the only person who didn't think the movie "Talladega Nights" was funny. 

As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at www.weightlossradio.blogspot.com for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website www.drfitnessandthefatguy.com to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one.