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Isn't this theme in most of the NT books? Yes; it occurs in the majority of them.7 consecutive chapters on return of Christ.Issues surrounding the 2 Thessalonian letters are closely related. And seem to be the most urgent issues in each, and certainly in the 2nd letter.ThessalonicaActs 17. But reading this background doesn't add so much to our understanding of the doctrinal concerns of 1-2 Thessalonians.Situation of 1-2 Thess. Paul had preached that Messiah had to suffer and rise (vv.2-3), and that loyalty to him was above that owed to Caesar (v.7).Paul's first three letters: Gal (48), 1 Thess (50), 2 Thess (50/51). And 2 Thess 3:17 suggests possible previous letters.ThemeWhat we learn is not only that he's coming back. That we already know. There's more. (Although still I admit that you can find my topic in several NT books.)In 1 Thessalonians, Paul instructs the Thessalonians about the return of Christ, countering the notion that only those still alive at the end of the world will be saved.In 2 Thessalonians, apparently some have misunderstood Paul to have been urging them to quit their jobs (see 2 Thess 3) and loiter around until the Lord returned. He tells these people, "Get back to work!"

Thessalonian Texts

1 Thess 1:9-10 -- Christ's ("second") coming from heaven. (The first coming is the incarnation.)1 Thess 2:19-20 -- When the Lord returns, believers will be together.1 Thess 3:11-13 -- We are to live blameless and holy lives.1 Thess 4:13-18Some grieving in misunderstanding.No "hope" => resurrectionDead in Christ will rise. Not lost to God.We will join them. Not lost to God or to us!Rapture? Escorting Lord to earth or is this a flight from the earth, by the traditional understanding of John 14?2 Thess 1:6-10Vindication of saintsPunishment of enemies2 Thess 2:1-10A false apostolic letter or report has been circulating.He has not come back yet! Nor should we evade the responsibilities of life in order to wait for his imminent return (see 3:6-15).Certain events must take place first. This passage is (I admit) difficult to interpret.Don't be impressed by interpretations, or even miracles, that contradict this teaching.Many Bible readers in our generation have been misled, too; they are focusing on signs and wonders and the end of the world, but have failed to be truly prepared in holiness.1 Thess 5:1-11Another misunderstanding: the business of predicting. This is fruitless!Be ready, be alert (awake).God's plan is that those who sleep (the dead) together with those who are awake (living) may enjoy fellowship with him.The Day of the Lord will be terrible if we aren't striving to live holy lives. See Amos 5:18ff.


He's coming back, and we'd better be ready!We are to be vigilant: not by analyzing current events, tracking global weather, or scrutinizing the prophecies, but by living alert Christian lives.He expects holiness. (See also 2 Peter 3.)He will bring final redemption, and justice. We must offer to Him a vigilant holiness. Which is why he looks for alert, not sleepy, followers.For more on the afterlife and the end times, listen to the lessons in the Last Things series at this website.

Next: The Pastoral Epistles: Christ Our Gracious Guide