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Philippians is an extremely christocentric documentIt is often commented that the theme of Philippians is joy – I count 14 or 15 instances of this word, or the idea—but I’m not so sure.Look at how many times Christ is mentioned (whichever word or phrased is use in referring to Him).  This seems to be the true theme.Every chapter exalts Christ.All things through Him, and All needs supplied (4).All things are as nothing, compared to his incomparable and surpassing greatness (3).Carmen Christi [the Song of Christ] (2)Live / exalt 1:21.1:21 is our theme verse.

Overview of chapter 1

Die—Praetorian guard knew Paul's confidenceGain—the other optionFruitful laborRrogress and joy (for the saved)Knowledge of Christ spread

Why the pull in two directions?

I haven’t met many brothers or sisters who feel torn.Perhaps it’s because Paul had such an impact and he know his Lord so well.We have little impact, and we don't know the one we say we worship.

To live is Christ… but is it?

Notice that Paul writes, “For to me…” This is his determination, his steadfast decision.What excites me the most?Career advancementRelationship with spouseSporting gloryMaterial thingsEducation?Or is it Christ?So much that I live with an unusual passion for Him on a daily basis?So much that whenever and wherever he is preached, and by whomever, regardless of the character or even doctrinal soundness of the preacher, I genuinely rejoice?So much that I evaluate my life in terms of Christ, rejecting the norms and values and accolades of the world?


"To live is gain, to die is Christ." -- wouldn't that also be true?But again, in the simplicity of paradise, and worship of One God (without worldly distractions or competition), and freedom from opposition, resentment, misrepresentation... to die is gain (even if he must wait for heaven at the judgment day). So Paul put it just the right way.Paul teaches us so much about Christ. Of course—he was an inspired apostle, infused with by Spirit of Christ and led into all truth by Him!

Next time: 1-2 Thessalonians--He's Coming Back!