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Listen to Romans & Galatians: Baptized into Death (15 minutes).


Galatians (48 AD): Judaizers teaching that circumcision must precede baptism.Council of Jerusalem (49 AD): The apostles and elders reject this teaching (Acts 15).Romans (55 AD): Paul, in elaborating on the gospel for the benefit of a Christian community he had never visited, inoculates them against the heresy of the Judaizers (the circumcision party). Rome was by far the largest city in the empire, and would obviously play a crucial role in the future unity of the Christian movement.

Scriptures carrying the theme of baptism into death / death to self:

Romans 6:1-7 -- Baptism is a participation in death, burial, and resurrection Christ -- the point of rebirth.Romans 6:6 -- "Crucifixion" in baptism.Galatians 2:20 -- "Crucified with Christ" is connected with a life of faith.Galatians 5:24 -- The key to living in the Spirit (5:22-23), instead of the flesh (5:19-21).Galatians 6:14 -- We are called to die to the world.Colossians 2:12, 2:20, 3:1-3, 3:5 -- Here we find similar linkages between baptism, death to the old life, and ongoing determination to put to death our flesh ("sinful nature," NIV).1 Peter 2:24 -- This is not referring to conversion, though the thoughts are similar. Dying to sin in 1 Peter is a lifestyle decision; death to sin in Romans 6 is an aspect of conversion, something God accomplishes. Death to sin is not the same thing as repentance. Repentance initially precedes baptism; death to sin begins in baptism.


Baptism into Christ connects us with the power of His death and resurrection.Baptism is a kind of crucifixion (Romans 6:6).Because you have died, continue to stay dead!

Next time:  1-2 Corinthians: Humility amidst Suffering