For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Our 11th lesson in the series CHRIST THROUGH THE AGES asks us to read between the lines in James. To what sort of life are we being called? Since as Christ-followers we are all urged to lead a life of Christ likeness, it is fair to regard the intense spiritual qualities enjoined on us in James as an upward call to embrace the life of Christ.

Are you ready for a challenge today? Listen to James: Jesus, our Wisdom from Above (10 minutes).

In this lesson:

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a, the famous Ode to Love, is essentially a description of Christ -- of God! (Christ is patient, Christ is kind...)Similarly, throughout James we find many aspects of Christ's character1 – perseverance, patience, obedienceJames 2 – fairness, love, compassion for needyJames 4 – pure motives, etc…James 5 – faithful prayer, etc…James 3 – control of the tongue...Our focus: 3:13-18Apparently some teachers are not controlling their tongues (3:1-12), and this has led to some degree of spiritual chaos in the community.Unlike the false teacher, whose "falseness" originates from within, the godly teacher emulates Christ.Whereas the "wisdom" of the false teacher comes from below, true heavenly wisdom comes from above.This wisdom manifests itself in sevenfold virtue.Does this describe me? Does this passage sum up the kind of Christian teacher I long to be?

Next lesson: Romans & Galatians: Baptized into Death