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James 3:9-12

So many images in this chapter: (tongue), bit, rudder, spark, taming (animals), poison, spring, fig tree… which bring to life the importance of the topic.Common illustrations from the ancient worldOr from Jesus, like Matt 7:15-20.The focus: the misuse of tongue in worship“The good set of mind does not talk from both sides of its mouth: praises and curses, abuse and honor, calm and strife, hypocrisy and truth, poverty and wealth, but it has one disposition, uncontaminated and pure, toward all men. There is no duplicity in its perception or its hearing” (T. Benj. 6.5, 6).ApplicationNegative words:         Slander            Gossip              Hypercritical of church leadersMedia posts….Negative deeds:Punitive driving                      Punitive tipping            Making a workmate’s job more difficultFoot-dragging at work            Getting back at an unpleasant bossVarious passive-aggressive behaviorsControlling the tongue is esp. important as all members are called to ministry of instruction, at least on some level (Col 3:16; Rom 15:14; Heb 5:12-14).“Set a watch, O Lord, over my mouth / Keep the door of my lips” (Ps 141:3).

Next: Pseudo-Wisdom