For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.


All of chapter 3 addresses the tongue, and has special relevance for and application to church leaders.The influence of the tongue may be enormous, despite its minuscule size (like a rudder, bit, or spark). The body of Christ can be significantly influenced—for better or worse—through the words of a single person.James wants to ensure that his readers / audience appreciate the seriousness of the point, so he offers even more illustrations (two in vs. 7-8, and two more in vs. 9-12).Keep in mind that James is speaking into an already tense situation, both economically and politically.

James 3:7-8

Taming animals is a cinch compared to taming the tongue."Restless"—There's no end to the harm we can cause with our tongues, if we throw discretion to the winds and ignore what God’s Word says.The impact of our words can be poisonous.Selected proverbs on the tongue (NRSV): 6:16-19; 10:19-20; 12:18; 15:1-2; 18:21; 21:23; 25:15; 26:28; 28:23; 31:26.

Questions for self:

In a conversation, do I usually dominate?Do others every tell me I talk too much?Am I typically the loudest voice in the room?Do I always have to have the last word?Do I make unfavorable comments about others (even if they’re true)?Do I ever use profanity?Do I ever use coarse language?When others talk, do they feel that I am listening—or distracted? What do my children say? My spouse?Do I break confidences?Am I a flatterer?Am I tempted to answer tough questions dishonestly, or do I speak frankly and truthfully?Do I make promises that I fail to keep—or never intended to keep in the first place?Do I talk about others (without their permission) to third parties?Do I repeat third-hand information?Do I often say hurtful things—even unintentionally?Do I ever lie?(Teachers) When I’m speaking on a complex or sensitive subject, have I done the appropriate research, or do I tend to be careless with study, preparation, and attribution of sources?(Leaders) Do others feel I have heard them out, when they have criticisms, suggestions, or other things on their heart?(Speakers) Do I tend to go overtime?

Things to work on immediately

Notice when others gossip – and refuse to join in.Record myself—and listen. How is my tone?If I'm loquacious, count to 3 before speaking / answering.Ask my family / friends if they think I need to improve in my use of my tongue.Reread the Proverbs.

Next: a passage most churches ignore.