I share insights from my own sales journey, including anecdotes from my early days in outside sales and how I overcame initial fears to succeed in cold outreach. Inspired by our client's success stories, despite the common aversion to cold outreach, I know from experience, that there's immense potential in this area. Tune in for a discussion on the mindset shift required for successful cold reach outs, personal anecdotes highlighting the effectiveness of cold calling and emailing, and practical tips to revamp your approach. By the end, you'll gain a fresh perspective and perhaps feel motivated to try it yourself. Plus, stay tuned for an exciting free announcement tailored for our listeners!


Show up to serve

Show up and be intentional

Have a script and follow it

Urula’s Takeaways:

Show up to serve and dissolve your fear of rejection

Be intentional in the sales process and choose the result ahead of time

Have a script and customize it to showcase the problem you solve and recent success stories

Short and sweet emails with clear calls to action are more effective

Reach out to Ursula for a script review and customization

Ursula's Offer:

The first ten individuals to email us at [email protected] will have the opportunity to have their scripts reviewed by Ursula. Five of those ten script reviews will be selected for a 30-minute deeper dive call. Send your scripts to [email protected] with the subject line "Script," Include in your email information about your company, including revenue and size.

Resources Mentioned:

Join us at our next 2X Intensive

Join the Quantum Revenue Expansion Masterclass


Ursula: @7figure_CEO