The guest on today's show, Andrea Gribble, has accomplished amazing things in the last year. She's at the leading edge of social media. Listen in today, to find out about Andrea and her awesome accomplishments.

Andrea, who actually went to school to study chemistry, now runs Social School 4 EDU (#socialschool4edu), a company that partners with schools across the country to manage their social media. She's also the author of The Van Awesome Family In A Digital Daze, a children's book which is to help families rediscover precious time with each other, by establishing much-needed boundaries for tech excess children and parents. Andrea holds an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and she's also a frequent speaker at educational conferences, on the topic of social media. Listen in to find out more.


Today, Andrea talks to Ursula about:


Her business, how she got started and the limiting beliefs that she held in the beginning. How really difficult it was for her to sell in the beginning. Thinking outside of the box about ways to generate interest, that could lead to presentations at schools. The first time doubled her sales and the limiting beliefs she had to overcome at the time. How she realized that she was really helping people. How her beliefs about sales and selling changed after she tripled her sales. How she kept herself going in the beginning, after getting 'no's'. How doing little things every day works way better that doing big things occasionally. The number one limiting belief that she has changed, since starting her business. Some of the creative ways that she's used to develop her team and grow her business. The advice she would give to herself (or others) now, about starting her business. The top two strategies that she used, to double her sales for the first time. The vast number of articles that she's written about social media. Two of the strategies that she uses currently, to beat the algorithms for social media. What she has to offer schools, on her website. Niching down- as a key way to add value to your business.





Andrea's website:



Andrea on Twitter: @andreagribble


Ursula's website:


Ursula's email: [email protected] 


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