Chris McCann is a tech business and thought leader specializing in helping successful people and companies remember who they are and align their life with their purpose. After many years of professional striving at the expense of personal development, he awakened to the need to cultivate an inner life. Chris charted a new course prioritizing professional achievement led by personal meaning by studying the world’s great spiritual texts, training with prominent spiritual leaders, and developing the tools required to navigate life and find real purpose. Today, he manages several ventures that help others find their meaning and purpose, including coaching clients one-on-one, building Scale-Up sales teams, providing corporate consulting on conscious leadership, and facilitating retreats.

We believe everyone deserves to be happy, but in today’s world everywhere you turn there is division and negativity. At BriteVibe we have created a global movement to bring 8 million people together who are inspired to Live Brite, Live Bold and share BriteVibes. Alone it is hard to change, but together we can change the world.