Joe is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Holistic Health Counselor. He's the author of the best-selling books The Definitive Way to go Gluten Free and Sow, Planting the Seeds for Health, Well Being and a Superhero Life. He also recently hosted The Primal Cooking Workshop and is a co-host of the popular podcast, A Tribe Called Health. He will neither confirm or deny that he's a former award winning club DJ and Hip Hop Dancer and he will most certainly not Bust a Move so don't ask. Furthermore, he feels really strange talking about himself in the third person.

We believe everyone deserves to be happy, but in today’s world everywhere you turn there is division and negativity. At BriteVibe we have created a global movement to bring 8 million people together who are inspired to Live Brite, Live Bold and share BriteVibes. Alone it is hard to change, but together we can change the world.