If we could receive a dime for every time someone told us to journal I am sure we'd all be wealthy by now. Journaling seems to be a hot topic these days and the solution to every ones problems.

However, you may be the one of many that don't seem to see the benefit of journaling or have tried and don't see much success in writing down your thoughts. In this episode, Kathie admits she once disliked journaling too. 

There are so many types of journals, scientific evidence about the benefits of journaling, the concept of brain dumping, using journal prompts, and other ways anyone can use the power of journaling to really grow personally. 

Checkout the links below Kathie provided journal prompts she uses in her coaching program and journals she has tested and loves!

FitBook guided journal - https://www.getfitbook.com/?rfsn=909699.e6962 

Practice Your: A Journal link