New York Times Best Selling Author, Kristine Carlson invites you to practice Don't Sweat wisdom to achieve greater mental health, and better communication with your family, friends, and co-workers. Learn how to live with more peace and happiness and rediscover your joy, passion, and self-compassion, to awaken your most vibrant life.

Kris talks with a young woman who hiked to heal.  Karla Amador chose the hero's path, literally, hiking 52 hikes in one year.  She shares how her mindful time in nature healed her broken heart in recovery from a divorce.  She continues to share her story and has created a movement called 52 Hike Challenge.  

Get a copy of Kristine's new book, From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero's Journey to Joy where books are sold. Bring your receipt to to get some fabulous gifts to say thanks for your purchase!