This throwback to December 7, 2020, features Nicole Busch, the personal stylist and owner of Nicole Blair Wear. If you think “personal stylist” suggests that this is a standard discussion about fashion, I encourage you to think again. Getting dressed influences the way we interact with ourselves, our loved ones, and the world—it’s much more than clothes. 

Nicole and I delve into the fascinating psychology behind what we wear, why our clothes don’t always reflect our true style, and how shifts in our internal lives can prompt a transformation in the way we dress. 

Do you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear? Do you struggle to get dressed? Do you sometimes choose clothes that allow you to hide? Is your closet in disarray? Can you walk into your closet and know that you can put on anything and feel good in it?

These are all indicators of what is happening under the skin. By focusing on self, style, and space, Nicole helps her clients bring the internal and external into alignment—and achieving that alignment can be truly life changing.

Our wide-ranging discussion also includes the world of social media influencers and how they affect our buying habits and our attitudes about ourselves. Plus, Nicole drops some great pearls of wisdom, such as “don’t buy something on sale unless you would be willing to pay full price for it.”

Nicole is absolutely delightful and I’m sure you will get a lot of value out of this episode, so sit back and enjoy!

Ways to connect with Nicole:

Website Facebook Pinterest  Instagram  YouTube

Thanks for listening. Let me know what you think. If you liked this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast. Your feedback helps me increase the value of the program and makes it easier for other listeners to find us.

Grab a copy of the Treasured Journal HERE

Ways to connect with Danielle:  

Website: Instagram: @danielleireland_LCSW Facebook: @danielleireland_LCSW

The “Don’t Cut Your Own Bangs” podcast is edited by Marilou Marosz.