Are you already stressed out from the thought of holiday shopping? Maybe we can help. In this edition of Doing What Works we invite you to think outside that perfectly-wrapped box and share gifts that will be truly meaningful. And if you stick with us to the end of the program you’ll get an express ticket to an inexpensive gift almost guaranteed to delight the fussiest recipient!

Here are your show notes…

“Love is the quality of attention we pay to things” is from the poet J. D. McClatchy [].

“Everyone is a storyteller dying for lack of an audience” is from What Color Is Your Parachute? [] author Dick Bolles.

“Things happen to you when you’re single. Then you get married, and life tends to slow to a crawl.” That’s from Nora Ephron in Heartburn [].

“If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me” is from the poet W. H. Auden [].

“Never knit your boyfriend a sweater” is from the writer Gretchen Rubin [].

“Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere.” That’s from the late Cosmo editor Helen Gurley Brown [].