Do you feel pressure to choose one career path and to stick to that? If you’ve been doing the same thing for a while, are you getting pressured to stay in your lane? Katie and I wonder how you’ll know if you want to do something different with your life unless you change lanes at least occasionally, and in this edition of Doing What Works we’ll encourage you to do that.

Here are your show notes…

Refuse to Choose! [] author Barbara Sher will help you feel great about being a Scanner.

The idea that you can change what you do but you can’t necessarily change what you want to do comes from Gretchen Rubin [].

Dolly Parton: Here I Am is on Netflix [].

Dilbert creator Scott Adams [] suggests you develop a talent stack, and thinks “stay in your lane” is terrible advice.

What Color Is Your Parachute? [] author Dick Bolles says it’s the way you string your gifts together that make you you.

Let me know [] if you want photos of the stuffed animal fun we had with Katie one summer, or a picture of the photo display we created for her high school graduation party.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” That’s from Steve Jobs [].

“I contain multitudes” is from Walt Whitman [].

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