Do you have the presence of mind or the willingness to tell someone what he’s meant to you as he’s breaking up with you? Katie and I do, and it’s one of the ways we feel best about ourselves. In this edition of Doing What Works we’ll inspire you to think about how you want to feel as a relationship or even a workout winds down. It’ll change the way you live, and make you feel better about your life as you look back on it.

Here are your show notes…

Our favorite comeback-gone-awry [].

“How you finish is how you’ll feel” is from Speedball Fitness [] founder Steve Feinberg.

Colleen Wainwright [] inspired Maureen to move the end of the year to January 31st of the new year.

Gretchen Rubin thinks September is the other January [].

“How to Survive the Senior Year Stressfest” was published on the HuffPost [].

If you’re serious about something, you have to not only commit to the “what” but the “when.”

Do you really want to reach the end of your life, as Callings author Gregg Levoy [] wonders, kicking and screaming and begging for more time?