Today, an introduction to the future with the next three months of the podcast focusing on the intentional success. Success is No Accident So Stop Waiting For It to Just Happen.

I firmly believe what Ashton Kutcher said. “I believe that opportunity look a lot like hard work.”

The next 20 podcasts will give you 20 actionable steps that will make you a success in life. 

You want to be successful. Sure. Everybody wants to be successful. There’s not a person in the world that wakes up every morning striving to be average. Average takes no work at all. That’s kind of sad because average means typical, common, ordinary. In more mathematical terms, if there were 10 people picking apples and 1 person picked 9 baskets, 4 picked 6 baskets, 3 picked 4 baskets, 1 picked 3 baskets and 1 picked 2 baskets, that’s 50 baskets. The average is easy to figure out. 50/10=5. The average is 5. Mediocre. Middle of the pack. Average.

If you want to be average, you don’t need to listen to podcasts. You don’t need books that help you become better. You don’t need to do anything really. The average person is, well, average. Content to be just where they are and no more.

In the movie, “Crocodile Dundee II”(Yes, I’m pulling a scene from that obscure movie but there’s a line in it you need to get, and I have to set the scene up for you. Dundee’s girlfriend has been kidnapped. He needs help to get her back. He’s introduced to a local NY gang, one of which has taken a liking to his jacket. He’s convinced them to join him, but the leader asks, “What are the chances?”

Dundee replies, “Fair.”

Then the guy with the mohawk by the door asks, “What are the chances of you getting out of here with that jacket on?”

Dundee pulls his famous, big knife out and flings it at him, splitting his mohawk and sticking into the wall just above his scalp. Then he says, “Better than average.”

Let’s remember what average really is in life. The average person is never noticed. Lost in the crowd. The average person is subject to majority thinking. No creativity. The average person is afraid to stand alone.

The ultimate goal of the next 20 podcasts is not to create massive success, although that’s not beyond anyone’s reach.

The goal is for each of us to become better equipped to be “BETTER THAN AVERAGE.”This means you’re planning to be ahead of the curve, not on it. You’re separating yourself from the pack.

If you don’t want more, you’ll never get more.

The next 20 weeks will take us well into 2019. By that time, you will have a head start and be more than ready for your best year ever.

Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.    Websites:  Facebook:  Facebook Page:  Twitter:  Instagram:  Google Plus: LinkedIn:

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