I went to the optometrist a month or so ago and came away with not one but two prescriptions for eyewear. Please understand… I have been wearing glasses since I was 5 years old.  I just turned 60 in July and have graduated from 1 to 2 pair of glasses. WHAT A PAIN IT IS! Not to mention the cost of 2 pair, which is twice the cost of one pair… Why did I do it? I WANT TO SEE CLEARLY WHEREVER I AM!

I have this regular pair of glasses that are progressive. There’s a difference when I look through the top, through the middle and through the bottom of the lens. In the old days, they’d be known as tri-focal lens. Mom had them. I blame her. These are great for driving, hiking, being outdoors even watching TV from a certain distance, which I recommend.

BUT, they suck when I’m reading or on the computer. Close work that requires different focus.

My second pair is the same prescription (believe-it-or-not) but different in that the area of the 3 focal points gets different real estate on the lens.

Why do I go through this… the expense of two pair, the pain of keeping track of two pair, switching out this pair for that pair, depending on my location and activity?

Two reasons… Clarity and Focus

CLARITY… answers two questions. What?  Why?

What exactly do you want to put your time and attention toward today? This week? This quarter?

Be clear about what it is you want, exactly. Not only that, ask yourself why you want to be so clear on it.

Ask these questions when it comes to your clarity…

What, specifically, are you going to doing? Why are you going to do it? What are your expected results? Why do you want those results?

FOCUS… answers the question of when. 

Focus takes away the fuzzy outlines and gives you the details

Ask these questions when it comes to your focus…

When are you going to plan this course of action? When are you going to start? When are you going to put the work in? When are you going to finish and succeed?

I’m working at my computer and getting stuff done. I get to a stopping point and head the jeep to run to the store. I back out of the garage and the sun is out. I reach to put on my sunglasses… those kinds that fit over the prescription set I have to wear… and … they do not fit on my office set. I forgot to swap out my office glasses for my everything else glasses. I have to go back upstairs, swap out this pair for that pair and head safely down the road.
Could I drive with my office glasses on? Yes, but the only thing that would be crystal clear for me is my dashboard. It would be better for everybody if my road ahead was clearly in focus.

How clear is your path to your goals?

How focused are you daily in order to get there?

Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  amzn.to/2HBZ6s8    Websites:https://DoingStuffDaily.com  https://BillMcConnell.me  Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/wmcmcconnell  Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/DoingStuffDaily  Twitter:https://twitter.com/DoingStuffDaily  Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/billmcconnell  Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+WilliamMcConnellDSD LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-mcconnell-5b96aa80/

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