I fully admit it.  I am not the master of any of these.  I am a practitioner of all of them and my goal is to master each one of them.  The way I see it, how can I lose?

I can't.  Neither can you.  Master these three habits and the rest of life is gravy.  (Wow, what a bad analogy.)

Master the Habit of Eating Right

Don’t put gas in a diesel engine.  I had a friend do that totally by accident.  It was not a pleasant experience.  Fortunately, he's a mechanic who knew what to do to minimize the issue.

Eating processed food is like putting the wrong fuel in a system built for something else.  Something better.  I'm no health nut by any means.  I like a good hamburger and fries like everybody else.  You can't live like that as a norm.  Create a new norm for yourself.  Create a habit of eating well

Resource: Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting by James Clear
Here is one person's first-hand experience with the concept.  I'm hoping to have my own.  I'm told it takes a full, rigid two weeks to settle into the lifestyle.

Book: The Obesity Code by Jason Fung
I’m starting this process myself with the supervision of a nutritionist and my doctor.  At this time, I'm about 3 days in.

Master the Habit of Sleeping Well

Do not become too tired to really live.  Set time to shut down. For me, it's 10 pm almost every night.  My goal is 6.5 hours of sleep per night.  that seems to be my sweet spot.  You need to find yours.

Set time to rise up.  I rise at 4:30 am (on purpose) 4 days a week.  On the other three if I'm up past 10 pm I tend to sleep later to try and hit my goal.  Stop staring at a screen. If you can learn to sleep better, you will live better.

Resource:11 Surprising Benefits of Sleep

Master the Habit of Regular Exercise

Move your body. You lose what you don’t use… or move.  I keep thinking of the amazing physical shape of Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars.  Not a pretty picture but it haunts me just a little.  We can't blame our species for our physique.  Humanity has a wide variety of looks and styles.  The habit of regular exercise levels the playing field for most of us.

I'm running at a local gym 3x/week for 30 minutes.  I'm planning to run a 5K in June.  I've run them before but it's been a few years and I'm not getting younger.

Resource:5-Minute full-body Workout for Lazy People     Doing this is better than nothing at all.  You can do it between

Resource: 7-Minute WorkoutApp on my iPhone.  Probably available for Android as well.

Master these three habits early in life and I guarantee a better personal life than most people.  You're already ahead of the game.

Which of these habits have you already mastered?  Tell me about it.