Next Episode: DSD-009 Fear

There is clearly a widespread problem that is being addressed over and over again.  People want to be betther than they are.

I collect current articles on habits and routines. Here's a partial list of articles I've saved in the past 10 days.

“The Daily Routine Backed by Science That Will Make You a Happier Person”

“3 Daily Habits of Very Successful People”

“6 Habits of Remarkably Likeable People.”

“The Happiest People Always Make Sure They Do Any of These 8 Things Daily”

“4 Good Habits to Improve Life and Work”

“5 Daily Habits That Successful People Have (Which Most of Us Probably Don't)”

“30 Damaging Habits You Should Break Before You Turn 30”
(Millennials told us which habits they intend to quit before hitting 30.)

“10 Unmistakable Habits of Utterly Authentic People”

These are from media sources that are very successful and well respected in their field…

Ladders, Business Insider, Thrive, INC., Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fast Company,

These organizations know that people will read their articles because they are hitting pain points that they believe the majority of their readers have.

These media sources have a primary goal:succeed in their own business. They have found a pain point that targets a majority of people within their demographic. Their demographic is people who want to succeed and become better. These people believe that by becoming better they will become more successful. Give people what they want, and they’ll keep coming back for more.

People want to be better than they are right now. Wanting and becoming are two very different things.

My Lowest Emotional Point

When I was at my lowest point emotionally, I wasn’t doing anything at all to help me grow as an individual.  I wasn’t reading anything, listening to anything positive. I was completely inactive to my own personal growth.

I was watching a lot of TV indiscriminately.  No filter.  Anything to distract me from my own feelings.  In any way, I wanted to occupy my mind to help me forget how bad I was feeling.  It only made me feel worse.

I was nearing a point of no return and you don’t see it coming until you find yourself at the edge.

Back From the Edge

When I got to that point personally, I decided, “One more day.”  That was all.  One more day.

I kept watching too much TV but I began to be more discerning about what went into my head.

The habit of “One More Day”every day was my first step to growing.  So, yeah, I get the importance of daily habits. Doing Stuff Daily, the conscious daily activity I’ve chosen not to live without.

It’s not about intensity.  It’s about consistency.  Simon Sinek

This is the daily habit of loving someone.

In the last few pages of a book I just read, the author describes in detail being all alone on the edge of a cliff, how he inched his way closer and closer to the lip.  Death was straight ahead.  It went from reading a non-fiction, self-help book to a gripping scenario of choice between life and death.  I’m thinking, “Is he going to kill himself?”  Obviously not because I’m reading the book he wrote about the experience.  It’s more, “Why was he so close and what brought him back from the edge?”

It’s not about choosing to live. It’s about choosing to grow.  Bill McConnell

In the podcast I mention the last few pages of a book and the story the author tells of creeping toward the edge of a cliff.  That book can be found here.


My next book is coming out May 18 and is called “Conquer What’s Next.”  In an early chapter I go into detail about me standing on the edge (which was curled up in a corner of the living room, crying uncontrollably).  Spoiler alert:  I backed away from the edge.

QUESTION: What one habit are you doing daily in order to be better than you were yesterday?