MartinJon Garcia - Chicago - Dec 14 2000    Drug of Choice Alcohol    Short bio   MartinJon Garcia, The Recovery Mentor, is an artist and former addict. His addictions started with drugs and alcohol, but while searching for sobriety, no surprise, he attached himself to a myriad of other vices. In the years since MartinJon has utilized his creativity to help exorcise his need for external vices. As a mentor, he helps unveil clarity in the lives of those he works with through portraiture and awareness. This is a method of refocusing experiences to release blocks, illness and internal wounds. He helps individuals, creating breakthroughs and life-changing results, for many who were previously stuck in both their views and lives. Having recovered from so many vices, and then more recent diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, MartinJon is committed to empowering individuals to take the reins of their lives and enjoy the ride.     Social media links and website links 

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