If you're planning to pursue your own practice when you're currently part of a group, chances are you're looking for valid ways to leave while making sure that you've put things in order for the next stage.

In this episode, we'll look into the core areas that you need to carefully assess before making the leap from a group to your own solo practice.


Level up your business and mindset using Doctor TK’s personally hand-picked tools. Get access to the Freebie Library today: https://doctortk.lpages.co/dtcfreebielibrary.

Take the first step to Manifest A Profitable Private Practice! Join the waitlist for the Dope Therapist Academy at https://www.dopetherapistacademy.com/dta-waitlist


Podcast Goals:  
Present tips that will help evaluate your level of preparedness to successfully transition from a group to a solo practice


Episode Timeline:
Tip #1: Vision (01:35)
Tip #2: Structure (04:05)
Tip #3: Consistency (07:16)
Bonus Tip (10:58)
Resources to the Freebie Library and Dope Therapist Community (12:38)


Standout Quotes from Doctor TK:
"Can you take a vacation? And if the answer is no, you may still be in the beginning phases of your private practice, which is perfectly normal, but after 2 years which is the norm for a private practice— my hope is that you got it together. And if you don't, that simply means you've probably been using the same tools that you've been doing from day one and that's not helpful if you're trying to grow your practice, your business." (06:51)
"I don't sell you anything. I always host either a webinar, a masterclass, a virtual party, whatever you wanna call it, or I will host a live event— and my goal is to transform your life when you show up. Transform your mindset and your business, when you show up even with free content." (09:34)
"This is also why a lot of therapists that I meet in my programs are not able to really charge their value: Because they don't even understand their value with their expertise and they feel like they don't want to be salesy to a client. But I want you to reframe that: Are you being salesy? Or are you transforming someone's life, you're offering a solution to their problem, and they are investing in the solution so that they can maneuver through life more smoothly?" (10:27)
"Your clinical license will not be enough for you to keep your doors open and have an abundance of overflow. You can't say, I mean you can say it, but it won't run your business for you to just operate and say, I'm a clinical psychologist, I'm a licensed social worker, that's not enough. Do you actually run your business, do you actually have time when you're working on your business vs just in your business?" (11:49)

Resources Mentioned:
Get access to the Dope Therapist Community Freebie Library
Join the waitlist for the Dope Therapist Academy: Manifest A Profitable Private Practice
(#170) Scripting Your Way to Success
(#167) Find Your Niche and Grow Your Practice (w/ Christy)



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