Therapist Profile:

Highest Degree: Masters in social work (Intern)

Location: New Jersey

1 year from today I want: “To write a book for other social work students who didn’t consider it as a first choice and the opportunities available in it. I want to create a podcast/YouTube page/ expanded social media. I also want to optimize my future career choices within school social work”

What’s Holding Me Back: “Self-Doubt, feeling unqualified, having the right guidance and clarifying what I can do that will set me apart.”



TIP #1

Youtube Versus Podcast

Research shows that search engine optimization is leaning more toward video marketing, 82% to be exact.
It would depend on your audience and what they prefer
If you like making video content, YouTube is your best friend
Finding podcast listeners may take more time and effort versus a video
Could you do both?

TIP #2


You are only as unqualified as you believe that you are
What you speak becomes your reality. Start to focus on what you want and who you need to become in order to reach those goals
Start with a vision board and break that down into quarterly goals.
Select one project to work on at a time
Be intentional with your routine daily and make sure that you are working on your project each day
Surround yourself around other positive people that want to see you win



Dope Therapist 

The Dope Therapist Tribe is ideal for clinicians who desire to design their own streams of income while living an abundant lifestyle.
In this program, our focus will be specifically directed toward developing a wealth mindset and a profitable framework with coaching support. With access to Doctor TK, you will create your branding blueprint for your business that will be accompanied with step-by-step instructions to build and scale your business. You will work on monthly branding abundance projects to increase your knowledge in various areas for your business.

You want to build your business blueprint
You want to convert prospects into your clients
You want to brand yourself and business to attract additional streams of income
 You are motivated to design your schedule and lifestyle
You are ready to create your own salary
 You are ready to LEVEL UP & learn what was NOT taught in graduate school
 You are serious about scaling your mindset and business

Learn More Here: 

Following me on Insta for Daily Motivation: 


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Doctor TK

Clinical Psychologist & Lifestyle Branding Coach

The PsychBrandologist