I've posted my video to the places online I usually post it, and then nothing... tumbleweeds No one is commenting, liking, or sharing. Have I just wasted my time, effort, and money? The short answer, NO. Building a personal brand using video involves investing more than just the bare minimum to create a video. Creating any video is 60% of the work, the other 40% is promoting the video to your niche so they know it's a thing. There are so many videos being posted every day, and posting it once and forgetting about it is no way to treat something you've works so hard on creating. Using techniques such as blogging, social media, emails, influencers, playlists, and forums to get your video out and about, and seen by your niche.
Mentioned Videos & Episodes:Build your personal brand by GETTING ORGANISED: https://youtu.be/EGjk58ycxos | https://player.whooshkaa.com/episode?id=775577
00:20 When your video is up online, what now?00:45 Where you are uploading a video but not getting traction1:40 How it feels - bummer2:00 60% of the work is creating and uploading the video2:30 Larger brands even have dud videos2:50 Hero Videos - Your biggest video for that time block3:20 Focus on your video with a good return on investment3:45 These techniques will take time, but you can use most for almost every video you make4:25 SEO and blogging about your video on your website5:25 Why use SEO and focus on keywords in your descriptions5:40 Niching down in what words and phrases you focus your video on6:40 If it's not written down, it doesn't happen7:00 Social media hack7:10 Post your video more than once, in more than one place7:20 Refer back to the video in future posts that relate to it8:20 Posting about the video regularly8:40 Using influencers or collaborators9:05 Pay to work with influencers or work with local influencers9:20 Collaborate with other brands of equal or slightly larger audiences9:45 Paid advertising10:00 Do paid advertising if you are going to get a return on investment10:45 SponsorSpot11:35 Linking to email signatures and social media bios11:55 Make a clickable link and draw attention to it12:10 Promote that link regularly via other posts12:20 Posting the video in communities and forums (when answering a question)12:30 Using your active communities without overdoing it13:05 Put your videos into playlists with like-minded content13:35 Telling search engines that this video is helpful to people searching like-minded topics14:55 TL;DW15:55 What's Next
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