I'm introducing a new periodic episode theme where I talk to business owners outside the real estate industry to learn about their journey and business models. As real estate professionals, we are small business owners, which you know I harp on a lot.

To that end, we experience a lot of the same challenges as other small business owners and we can all probably learn from each other and see our marketing and other practices in a new light, when we step outside our arena.

The first of these conversations is with Kaia FIT Sierra owner, Caren Roblin. Caren shares her experience buying an established business (akin to buying a real estate team, which is becoming a thing) and all the hurdles she's jumped through to own the business and help it grow.

Caren: www.kaiafitsierra.com

Sponsors: RE/MAX Realty Affiliates: www.bestrenoagents.com Patrick Winchell: https://www.newamericanfunding.com/mortgage-loans/PatrickWinchell Contact Info: Shauna Ganes [email protected] www.shaunaganes.com www.facebook.com/doitandbegladyoudid