In this episode, we discuss:

Five things you need to know before you start working from home. What does it take to be successful working from home? What are the biggest mistakes people make when starting to work from home?

About our guest: Lesley Pyle is the founder of, a boutique service connecting Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses with top-notch Virtual Professionals across the country. She began her work-at-home career in 1996 with the launch of her first website: Home-Based Working Moms. She has a Master's degree in Public Relations from the University of Stirling, Scotland while on a full academic scholarship and as an Ambassador of Goodwill for Rotary International. She also has a BA in Journalism / Public Relations from Texas State University. Pyle has been featured in numerous publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Wall Street Journal and USA Today. She and her husband live in Texas and have four children.


Rhonda: Thank you so much for joining us! I am really excited to be able to introduce to Lesley Pyle, and she is the founder of Hire My Mom, which is a boutique service connecting entrepreneurs and small businesses. She began her work-at-home career in 1996 with the launch of her first website, Home-Based Working Mom. So, for all of us moms out there, we can relate to her business. Whether it's a full-time hustle, a side hustle, we're going to be sharing some tips on working from home. Lesley has a master's degree in public relations from the University of Stirling in Scotland and she also has some additional credentials as well. She has a bachelor's degree, bachelor's of arts actually in journalism and public relations from Texas State University. As I was looking through your credentials, isn't it fun that we have the opportunity to be able to use our journalism and public relations backgrounds to be able to share something we're super passionate about?

Lesley: Yeah. You know, I was so thankful that I did have that background because it comes in handy no matter what business you have, to have a PR and marketing background. So, I credit that with helping me get my business off the ground because-

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely.

Lesley: ... so many of us start on a shoestring budget, so being able to do some marketing and PR, in the beginning, was really helpful.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. Well, thank you so much for joining us today.

Lesley: Yeah. Thank you. Pleasure to be here.

Rhonda: So, share with us ... I know you've had several articles written, Huffington Post. What are some of the other places that you have written articles for or been -

Lesley: I wrote ... Yeah, I wrote for Women Entrepreneur for quite a while and then I've written for some ... one-time posts on various parenting and work from home blogs. So, yeah. 24 years of doing this, so it's been ... A lot's changed over the years.

Rhonda: Right? Well, when you and I chatted prior to doing the recording, that was one of the things that we were talking about is how things have shifted so much over the years. You know, I'd love for you to share, from your perspective, some of the things that you've seen as far as some of the shifts.

Lesley: Yeah, most definitely. So, when I first started out 24 years ago, working from home was not so widely accepted. So, I basically .. When I started freelancing, I didn't tell my clients that I work from home because I knew it was going to be not as well received. Today, everybody thinks it's great and they're jealous if you work from home, but back then it was like, "Oh, you must not be very good at what you do if you work from home." So, that's been the biggest change.

Lesley: With the advent of all the technology we have today with the Internet and with cell phones and email, none of that existed back ... Well, I think we had ... I did have a website, but I don't even know if I had email originally. But so much has changed and it just makes working from anywhere so possible now. With moms wanting that flexibility to work from home, not just moms that are searching for work, but moms who are business owners, a lot of them want to work from home, too, because that flexibility is just so helpful and beneficial for moms. So, I don't know about you, but I had ... When my babies were young, I had somebody come in and watch them while I work. That worked out beautifully. Then as they got older, they could go to a mother's day out or a preschool for a few hours a day and that sort of thing. Then, transition. Now, they're all in school.

Rhonda: I know, right? It's like, "Oh, my gosh." Well, I think a lot of times, people start, they want the flexibility, and yet I think it takes the right person and right personality to be able to be disciplined and navigate through all of those pieces because ... I don't know that balance is really the right word because I don't know if you can ever have balance, but it's prioritizing those things and then also knowing like, "Hey, we might have to work a little bit longer this day so that we can do this on this day," you know?

Lesley: Exactly. I find myself doing that. So, I may get up early one day and get a lot done because I want to do something that afternoon with my only one that's still at home or vice versa. I may work in the evening if I need to catch up on something if I've taken off a few hours during the day to go have fun or run errands or whatever it might be. So, yeah, it's such a huge benefit to be able to work that flexibility.

Rhonda: Well, like you said, it is more widely accepted for people to stay at home. So, let's talk a little bit about some of the successes and lessons that you've learned from 24 years of working. Not only working from home yourself, but really helping other women work from home as well. So,-

Lesley: Yeah.

Rhonda: So, what are five things that women need to know before starting to work from home?

Lesley: I think one of the biggest mistakes I see moms make is they jump right into something because they just want to work at home. So, the first thing that comes along, they're like, "I'm going to do it. I can make money." Well, that doesn't always work. It may work for some people, but I really think the best thing to do is to really spend time thinking about your true strengths, your passion, your experience, your education, and how those all fit together, and what could you do with that combination of skills and passions. I think you'll be so much more successful.

Lesley: It may not be something that you can start and be up and running and making money the next day, but I think the old saying "Find what you love and the money will follow," is so true because I love what I do, so working is never like, "Oh, I've got to work today." Working is like, "Yay! I'm going to work today. What fun am I going to have?" because every day's a little bit different and I interact with different moms and business owners. So, that's my first recommendation is find something that you're passionate about.

Lesley: Then, also consider the viability of your business. So, if you want to do something and there's no market for it or the market is saturated, maybe you need to go to plan B because if there's too much competition, it may be hard for you to make an income. But there's always room, you know. On the other hand, if what you do is really good and you can find your unique selling point, then you can always give it a go.

Lesley: I also think it's really important to be a motivated self-starter because you don't have a boss looking over your shoulder and telling you to get in there and get to work. So, if that's not your personality, either you got to figure out how to make yourself become more motivated and self-start or maybe find something else where you are working for someone else.

Lesley: Then, I think it's important to develop a plan, even if it's informal, where you write down your business idea, who your market is, how you think you can target them through whatever advertising, marketing, direct mail, whatever works for you, or direct email more these days.

Lesley: Then, my final piece of advice is to commit yourself to at least six months. Don't give up too quickly because it does take time to get a business up and running, and sometimes it takes up to 12 months. So, if you're not making money the first month, don't give up. I know when I first started 24 years ago, I had such passion to make it work because I did not ... I took my baby girl to daycare for two weeks and I cried every day. This was me thinking ... I never thought I would be a stay-at-home mom. I used to think that was such a boring life, like, "Who wants to do that?" So, I had always envisioned myself as being this big, corporate career lady with my briefcase and my stilettos and I was going for it. Then, I had a baby and all of that just changed for me.

Lesley: I was like, "I cannot bear to leave her in somebody else's care." So, when I quit after two weeks, my motivation was, "I better get some clients fast because we couldn't afford for me not to work." So, that was my motivation, and it pushed me out of my comfort zone because, normally, I'm not the type that would just cold call or call someone up and say, "Hey, do you need blah blah, blah?" but I did because I was really determined to make it work. So, if you're that determined, I think you've got your foot off to the right start.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think, too, it's ... Part of the tip, too, is identifying needs, right? A lot of the businesses are started because there's a need of something. "We're going to help solve a problem for something," whatever that something is,-

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: ... right?

Lesley: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Most definitely.

Rhonda: So, no, those are definitely some really great tips. So, let's talk a little bit about what it takes for women to be successful when they are working from home.

Lesley: Okay. Yeah. I think some of the personality traits I've already mentioned, to be motivated, self-starter, perseverance, drive, determination. Because let's face it, you don't always have good days in your business. There are bad days. There are good days. So, just to persevere when you do have those bad days or there's difficult clients or things don't go right, that sort of thing.

Lesley: It's also very important to be organized because, at least in the beginning, you're most likely going to be doing everything yourself, and so to be organized and have ... I like to sometimes time block my schedule so that I know for one hour I'm doing email, for the next hour, I might do social media, for the next hour, I might work on a project, and to give myself an organized daily outline of what my day is going to look like. Of course, you got to have flexibility sometimes because things happen, but that works well for me. The ability to manage your time well and to not allow yourself to get stuck viewing social media or whatever it is that might pull you away from getting work done.

Lesley: I also think it's important to be a continual learner. Like I said, I've been doing this for a long time, but I still try to listen to podcasts and read books and stay up-to-date on new trends. There's always so much more to learn. I feel like there is so much more I could do and learn. You just don't have enough time. But to be a continual learner and to have that as your mindset, like, "I'm not going to get stuck and just do things the same way forever," because you want to stay current with everything. It's also important to adapt to changes. There may be something that changes in your industry or in your market, maybe new competitors to come in, and just being able to adapt and change.

Lesley: So, I know with Hire My Mom, when I first started Hire My Mom, which is 12 years ago, there was not many other sites like Hire My Mom, but now there's quite a few. There's Fiverr and Upwork and FlexJobs and all these others, so what I've tried to do is stay in my lane and differentiate what is ... how is my Hire My Mom different? Well, we're different in that we're a boutique site. We're a lot smaller than those other big sites. We don't have a staff of 200 people. I have a team of three, so we're much smaller and we cater, obviously, to moms and small businesses and entrepreneurs. So, we don't go after the Marriotts and the big companies that do have work from home options. We just try to cater directly to our audience and provide the best service we can, a personalized service that you don't get on the bigger sites.

Lesley: Then, like I said before, just having a passion for what you do I think is so important because when I talk to prospective business owners, I think they can tell that I truly enjoy what I do because I'm both an entrepreneur and a mom, so I fit both sides of my market and I'm passionate about being a mom and I'm passionate about being an entrepreneur, and I think that comes out when I talk to people. It's not something I have to manufacturer because it's truly something that I love.

Lesley: Then lastly, I would say the ability to continue when other things are calling you. So, if you work from home, you can guarantee that you'll have distractions, whether it's the neighbors that want to come over and chit-chat or the laundry that's piling up or the grocery store that's calling you, and none of those things are bad, but you just have to know when to say, "No," to those things and let your ... get the work done that you need to get done for that day.

Rhonda: You know, one of the ... I just love this conversation because I think, A, there's plenty of moms that are listening to the podcast right now that are trying to figure out, "Okay. Well, what am I passionate about? Where can I look to find gigs that I can do from home?" and there's also entrepreneurs that are looking for people to be able to help.

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: One of the things that I ... There were two words that I wrote down that our conversation prompted me to think of. One is ... I think one of the things that we need to be very intentional about, especially when we're working from home, is not to be isolated because it's very easy to stay home, right? I mean, you've got ... Your kids are home, you're busy, you're working from home, and I think being intentional about finding specific groups or a group that you can be part of so that you can get out and meet people and talk to people,-

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: So, just making sure that we're intentional of doing that because I think it's easy to do.

Lesley: It is.

Rhonda: Days go, weeks go by, and you're like, "I haven't even hardly left my house."

Lesley: Right. That, I think, is a great tip as well. So, I do that. I make myself get out, too. I usually go to the gym and I'll do a workout class or something, so I'll have interaction there. I feel like it gets my mindset in the right place because I've got those endorphins running, I feel good, I've done something good for my self-care. Then I do a weekly women's group. We either have a prayer group or a Bible study, and so I connect in that way each week, too. Occasionally, I'll do the girls' lunch. Last week, I met with two other Hire My Mom ladies that are here in my area, in the Woodlands Spring near Houston. So, it is fun just to make sure that you don't isolate yourself and that you are getting out. You can always use that as networking because people are always asking, "What do you do?" "I work from home." So, it's an open door to share what you do.

Rhonda: Yeah. No, I think that's awesome. Well, one of the things that I think ties into the services that you offer is the importance of delegating because I know that my business would not be where it is today without me delegating to very important people that are part of my team. One of which is a virtual assistant who runs a lot of the backend stuff, does testing. I mean, all of those kinds of things are happening, whether it's we're delegating to technology, we're delegating to people, we're delegating to a combination thereof. Can you talk to that just a little bit and the importance of delegating?

Lesley: Yeah, absolutely. I agree with that 100%. Like I said earlier, you may not be able to delegate the day you start your business because funds may be tight, but as soon as you can, the first thing I did was hire a VA. That is ... It allows me to do what I'm good at and frees me up to not spend time in email and customer service and things like that.

Lesley: So, my VA is wonderful. Found her on Hire My Mom, and she answers all of my emails that comes through the website, she does all the customer service phone calls, we use Grasshopper so they can direct who gets which calls, and then she also researches every job that's posted. So, we try our best to make sure every job is legitimate. So, she spends time googling them on the Internet, looking at them on LinkedIn, finding out ... going to Better Business Bureau, all these different ways to prevent any scams from getting in, so that's a huge help.

Lesley: Then, I have someone who helps me with social media. So, we know it takes a lot of time if you're going to have a social media presence, so I'm delegating for that. Then, I have somebody who helps me occasionally with Pinterest and blogs and with our new concierge service. I have an HR professional who ... Our concierge service is for busy professionals who need the hire, but they don't have the time or desire. So, we'll do a consultation, we'll write the job post, we'll post the job, we'll interview, reveal the candidates, interview, and then present the top couple of candidates for them to make the final decisions. So, I have somebody that helps with that when I have a client that needs that.

Lesley: So, yeah, you can't really grow your business without delegating and outsourcing. Today, virtual teams are so common, and with all the tools that are out, like what we're using, Zoom, you can have face-to-face meetings even in different locations.

Rhonda: Right.

Lesley: So, yeah, it's a wonderful ... I think it works great for small businesses who want to continue working from home but need to grow and expand the business because one person cannot possibly do it all.

Rhonda: No. For sure. I think a lot of times ... Well, A, myself, I have to remind myself of this, but then also the women that I'm working with to say, "Okay. Let's just get the facts," because I think sometimes people think, "Oh. Well, I couldn't hire a virtual assistant," or, "I couldn't hire somebody to help me on social media." Okay. Well, maybe you can, maybe you can't, but let's get the facts. Let's find out what they could offer within your budget. When I hired my virtual assistant, we started at 10 hours a month because that's what I could afford to have her help me with.

Lesley: Absolutely.

Rhonda: Now, she's grown with me and she's doing 40 hours a month. So, we've literally quadrupled what we were doing. I look back, I'm like, "Oh, my gosh. There were just a couple of things I had her working on and now she's running ..." She was always capable of doing it. It was just ... I think sometimes I didn't even know what to ask her to help me with.

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: She's pushed me. You know what? I step out of my comfort zone. We just started a new project management tool that we can all be on the same page and we're getting a lot more done, and I told her, I said, "This is ... You're pushing me out of my comfort zone, and as much as we resist it, I know I need it.

Lesley: That's what's so great about virtual assistants because, a lot of times, they'll work for more than one client and they learn from different people and then they can bring that skill to you. But I was the same way. My first VA probably worked two or three hours a week so about $10 ... $10 ... about 10 hours a month. As your business grows, they can grow with you, and as your income increases, you can delegate more out. I know my VA has two other clients that she works for because she still ... She probably works for me about 10 hours a week now, so it's increased, but it's still not ... She's looking for about 30 hours a week. So, it works great.

Lesley:  They don't have to just work for one person, and it is beneficial because sometimes they bring things to you that you're like, "Wow," because we use ... My social media assistant and I use Slack. I don't know if that's the one that you use, but that's how we collaborate. So, she can put things in Slack, and I can review them, we can collaborate on them, and then she can go ahead and post it. But that way, I oversee everything and make sure it's in tune with my voice and my mission without it just going directly to social media. So, there's so many great tools out there like that where you can collaborate and communicate and keep things in their channels so that it's not ... Emails get crazy and get lost, and then you go try to dig and, "Where's that conversation when we were talking about X, Y and Z? I don't know." So, tools like Slack, Asana, Trello. There's a lot of them out there that are great for that.

Rhonda: Yup. We just started using ... Asana is the one we started using.

Lesley: Okay. Yeah.

Rhonda: I mean, it's working really well. We've only been using it now for a couple of weeks, but, man, it's so nice to be able to be on the same page and assigning the tasks. Then, I think the big thing for me as business owner is I don't feel like I have to micromanage all the pieces, but I actually just want to know when stuff's done or where we're at on it because a lot of times what I'm working on is depending on where they're at on a certain part of the project.

Lesley: Right. Exactly.

Rhonda: To get stuff done and checked off, you're like, "Oh, my gosh. Okay. Good. Now, that can be-

Lesley: Yes.

Rhonda: ... set aside.

Lesley: Yes. I agree 100%. You're not wasting time emailing back and forth saying, "Where are you?" that sort of thing. You can just look and see where they're at.

Rhonda: Yeah.

Lesley: So, I liked that with ... Have you ever heard of or used Grasshopper, the phone service-

Rhonda: No.

Lesley: ... I was talking about?

Rhonda: So, I used to have my cell phone listed on my website because who has a business line these days if you work from home? The only problem was 90% of the calls were for my virtual assistant, but I didn't want to put her cell phone on that website, so we use Grasshopper, and so I have an 800, or it's an 833 number, but it's, "Press one for this, two for that, three for that," and so depending on which number they push, it'll either go directly to her or directly to me, but I can see every voicemail that's left as the owner of it and you can also text people back. I can see every time she responds by text. It comes to me. So, if I want to, I can review all of the different communication, make sure that everything was answered to my satisfaction. But now that she's been with me a while, I don't really have to do that as much. But yeah, that's another great tool that works good for small businesses from home where you have some ... a virtual team and you want to direct calls to different people.

Rhonda: Wow. That's really cool. So, is that actually an app?

Lesley: It's an app and it's ... You can use it on your computer. So, what's nice, too, is every time a voicemail is left, it also emails you the voicemail. So, you can listen to it in your email as well as the app.

Rhonda: That is awesome.

Lesley: But yeah, I really liked that.

Rhonda: So, for the women that are going through divorce, they can use it. "Press one for my ex-husband. Press ..."

Lesley: Yeah. Yeah. There you go. That's great.

Rhonda: Not taking his calls anymore. Don't call me. Oh, my gosh. That is awesome. I love the tips in the tools, right? Part of the reason that I wanted to do this podcast interview was because there are so many women that I work with that are needing to reinvent themselves or they're needing to be able to supplement the income that they're getting from child support and maintenance to be able to maintain a good standard of living for them and their kids or they just have time and they want to do something and make a difference and help people.

Lesley: Yeah.

Rhonda: I love the opportunity to be able to help them, introduce them to tools, resources, platforms that can help them do that. I think one of the other things, in addition to "What does it take for people that are working from home to be successful?" I think we also want to say, "Hey, what are some of the mistakes that people potentially make as they are working from home as well?" So, chat with us a little bit about that.

Lesley: Okay. One of the mistakes ... I already mentioned when people rush too quickly into something, then they don't really give it the time and attention that they should. For instance, "Oh, my girlfriend is making $500 a month. I'm going to do that. Or $5,000 a month," but it has something that you're totally not interested in. If it's home parties and multilevel marketing, that's great, and some people do very well, but if you know that's not your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't waste your time because the people that make a lot of money work their butts off. They don't just sit at home and watch the cash roll in. So, that's really important. I think it's just ...

Lesley: Again, think about your personality, your strengths, your experience in research. I mean, the Internet is such a fast resource, so if you're looking to ... We were talking so much on the Internet. there's virtual administration, there's social media, there's blogging, there's writing, there's editing, there's web design, bookkeeping, accounting. There's so many different opportunities if you're looking to work for someone and not start your own business and there's tons of courses. So, if you want to be a virtual assistant, but you're thinking, "Oh, my skills are rusty. I really don't know if I could do Asana, Slack and all these things." None of these are difficult, but you do need to be acclimated to them and know how to use them because someone that's looking to hire is not going to want to train you on everything. So, if you can do 30-day, 60-day virtual assistant training, then you're so much more likely to get a job.

Rhonda: Yeah.

Lesley: We partnered with a few different people on some of those training programs that have actually been Hire My Mom members that started out as a virtual assistant and now they've transitioned into being more like a coach and courses and things like that. It's not just for virtual assistance. There are similar programs for if you want to do social media or bookkeeping or whatever it might be. So, yeah, I think it's just really deciding what you're passionate about, what you want to do and not wasting your time on something that you think you'll just make money at.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think, too, the return on the investment, right? The opportunity to be able to not only have the flexibility, but the cash flow aspect of it, too, I think is certainly an important and attractive piece of this whole conversation.

Lesley: Yes. I can relate because I think I mentioned before we did the podcast, I was divorced as well. I was married 14 years and went through a divorce, unexpected, unwanted, so not only financially devastates you, emotionally, mentally and everything. So, I can relate to where some of these ladies probably are. I had started my home business at that time, but I completely went missing pretty much for a month or two before I could really get my focus back. Thankfully, my business wasn't destroyed through that, and when I got my feet back underneath me, I actually ...

Lesley: I'm a woman of prayer. I was like, "Okay, God, I can't make it on what I'm making right now and I do not want to have to put my kids ... change more for them than already has been changed." I had two children at the time. They were five and seven, and I was like, "I don't want to have to move," and not because I need the house where I am, but I just didn't want to change more for them. If there was any way possible, I wanted to be able to stay where I was. same school, same friends, same house and not have to get a full-time job. I was trying my best to keep things as similar as it was without dad at home for my kids.

Lesley: So, I was just like, "Okay, God, I need some help here because I need to increase my income," and, "You know what I need," and, "I'm willing to cut back and eat ramen noodles. I've done that, been there, been that poor college kid, put myself through college, so I know how to live inexpensively." So, I did, and it was a luxury to take my kids out for ice cream at a time. That was a big deal. But slowly, I just felt like God gave me new ideas. At one point, I had ... My first website was Home-Based Working Moms and then I launched one for Canada, so I had a Canadian version, and then I launched a work at home kit where I wrote a workbook and had some other authors and their books and included membership, and then I had an e-directory of ... So, I had all these other ideas that came and really helped me expand my business and be able to continue working at home.

Lesley: Then, it wasn't until 2007, which was about five years after my divorce, when I started Hire My Mom. Now, that's the only website I have because it keeps me busy and it's the one that fits our times where we're at, you know? So, that adapting and changing. Like I said, this is my sixth website, and every website was current for the time. Who knows? Hire My Mom, may be a day when it's not current and the thing anymore, but for now, it is.

Rhonda: Yeah. That's awesome. That is awesome. Well, I know that we have covered a lot of ground so far. I always like to wrap up the podcast with two things. One is your favorite quote and the second thing is a client success story. So, let's go ahead and start with your favorite quote.

Lesley: Okay. Well, I have two. One, I've already mentioned, which is "Do what you love and the money will follow," and the other one is "Success is different for everyone, and only you can decide what success is for you." So, for me, success may be working from home and just making a good income. Success for someone else may be making six figures. Someone else, it may be raising kids and just working as little as possible. So, just knowing what success is for you and not getting caught up in what someone else's definition of success is.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. I love that. So, share with us one of your favorite client success stories.

Lesley: Yeah. I have two that recently came through, and both of them are favorites of mine because they are both previous Hire My mom job-seekers. So, they started out on Hire My Mom, found work, and one of them is an editor and the other one, I think she was administration, can't remember off the top of my head. But the bottom line is just in the last couple of months, both of them have come back to Hire My Mom as employers to post jobs because now their business has grown so much that they are now hiring a virtual team. So, that's my very favorite success story because it just shows the full circle of ... You might start out as the job seeker and get one, two, three, four clients, and your business may grow so much that you have to then come back and then hire someone to help you and outsource some of your work. So, yeah. Both of those stories are on our blog if somebody wants to read more about Monique and Andrea's success stories with us.

Rhonda: I love that. Isn't that ... I just have goosebumps because isn't that really what entrepreneurship for women is all about?

Lesley: Yes. Yes, I agree. Both of them still have young children at home, so they're living the dream, as they would say, being able to now ... Because I think as moms, it's so meaningful to be able to hire another mom because we've been there where we had littles and we wanted to be at home with them, then knowing, "I'm helping this mom be at home with her littles because it meant so much to me." That was my whole reason for starting Hire My Mom. It meant so much for me to be able to work from home. I wanted to help other moms, too, you know? As an entrepreneur now, it means so much to me to hire moms, to help them be at home, that it's the whole thing, you know? It's just one of my passions, obviously.

Rhonda: I love it. I love it. So, share with our listeners just really briefly about your business because I know there's the two sides. There's the job-seeker and then the employer, right?

Lesley: Right. Yes.

Rhonda: So, talk to us a little bit about that and how your platform works.

Lesley: Okay. So, yeah, you can come to our site. If you're a job-seeker, you can come, and I would say have your resume ready so that as soon as you join, you can start applying for jobs. We have three packages available for job-seekers. So, we have a one-week trial, we have a three-month, our gold membership, which is our most popular. So, the one-week trial is $9.99. The three-month gold membership is $29.99 Then, we have a platinum membership that is six months and it also includes being the featured candidate on the home page, and that one's $99. So, like I said, as soon as you sign up, you're able to apply for jobs immediately, any and all that you're interested in.

Lesley: Then, on the employer side, we also have three packages. So, we have a one-week trial for a posting a job, and that's $14.99. Then, our gold package to post a job for one month is $39. Then, we have the concierge service that I mentioned earlier, and that's where we basically do everything for the busy business owner who needs to hire a virtual professional, and the cost for that's is $4.99. So, all of those are available to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Rhonda: Awesome. Awesome. Well, you are matchmaking, right, in a differences.

Lesley: Yes.

Rhonda: I just want to thank you so much for spending some time today to just share a little bit more about some tips and we shared some resources and some tools for women that just may be feeling like, "Where do I go next? I just got the word that I may be going through divorce," or, "We filed for divorce and now what?" I love that I have the opportunity to have met you and now share this great resource with the women that need you most.

Lesley: Yeah. Well, thank you. I appreciate being able to share with them.




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Lesley Pyle

Founder & Owner

Hire My Mom

4057 Riley Fuzzel Road, Suite 500-117

Spring, TX 77386

[email protected]

 (281) 757-2207

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In this episode, we discuss:

Five things you need to know before you start working from home. What does it take to be successful working from home? What are the biggest mistakes people make when starting to work from home?

About our guest: Lesley Pyle is the founder of, a boutique service connecting Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses with top-notch Virtual Professionals across the country. She began her work-at-home career in 1996 with the launch of her first website: Home-Based Working Moms. She has a Master's degree in Public Relations from the University of Stirling, Scotland while on a full academic scholarship and as an Ambassador of Goodwill for Rotary International. She also has a BA in Journalism / Public Relations from Texas State University. Pyle has been featured in numerous publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Wall Street Journal and USA Today. She and her husband live in Texas and have four children.


Rhonda: Thank you so much for joining us! I am really excited to be able to introduce to Lesley Pyle, and she is the founder of Hire My Mom, which is a boutique service connecting entrepreneurs and small businesses. She began her work-at-home career in 1996 with the launch of her first website, Home-Based Working Mom. So, for all of us moms out there, we can relate to her business. Whether it's a full-time hustle, a side hustle, we're going to be sharing some tips on working from home. Lesley has a master's degree in public relations from the University of Stirling in Scotland and she also has some additional credentials as well. She has a bachelor's degree, bachelor's of arts actually in journalism and public relations from Texas State University. As I was looking through your credentials, isn't it fun that we have the opportunity to be able to use our journalism and public relations backgrounds to be able to share something we're super passionate about?

Lesley: Yeah. You know, I was so thankful that I did have that background because it comes in handy no matter what business you have, to have a PR and marketing background. So, I credit that with helping me get my business off the ground because-

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely.

Lesley: ... so many of us start on a shoestring budget, so being able to do some marketing and PR, in the beginning, was really helpful.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. Well, thank you so much for joining us today.

Lesley: Yeah. Thank you. Pleasure to be here.

Rhonda: So, share with us ... I know you've had several articles written, Huffington Post. What are some of the other places that you have written articles for or been -

Lesley: I wrote ... Yeah, I wrote for Women Entrepreneur for quite a while and then I've written for some ... one-time posts on various parenting and work from home blogs. So, yeah. 24 years of doing this, so it's been ... A lot's changed over the years.

Rhonda: Right? Well, when you and I chatted prior to doing the recording, that was one of the things that we were talking about is how things have shifted so much over the years. You know, I'd love for you to share, from your perspective, some of the things that you've seen as far as some of the shifts.

Lesley: Yeah, most definitely. So, when I first started out 24 years ago, working from home was not so widely accepted. So, I basically .. When I started freelancing, I didn't tell my clients that I work from home because I knew it was going to be not as well received. Today, everybody thinks it's great and they're jealous if you work from home, but back then it was like, "Oh, you must not be very good at what you do if you work from home." So, that's been the biggest change.

Lesley: With the advent of all the technology we have today with the Internet and with cell phones and email, none of that existed back ... Well, I think we had ... I did have a website, but I don't even know if I had email originally. But so much has changed and it just makes working from anywhere so possible now. With moms wanting that flexibility to work from home, not just moms that are searching for work, but moms who are business owners, a lot of them want to work from home, too, because that flexibility is just so helpful and beneficial for moms. So, I don't know about you, but I had ... When my babies were young, I had somebody come in and watch them while I work. That worked out beautifully. Then as they got older, they could go to a mother's day out or a preschool for a few hours a day and that sort of thing. Then, transition. Now, they're all in school.

Rhonda: I know, right? It's like, "Oh, my gosh." Well, I think a lot of times, people start, they want the flexibility, and yet I think it takes the right person and right personality to be able to be disciplined and navigate through all of those pieces because ... I don't know that balance is really the right word because I don't know if you can ever have balance, but it's prioritizing those things and then also knowing like, "Hey, we might have to work a little bit longer this day so that we can do this on this day," you know?

Lesley: Exactly. I find myself doing that. So, I may get up early one day and get a lot done because I want to do something that afternoon with my only one that's still at home or vice versa. I may work in the evening if I need to catch up on something if I've taken off a few hours during the day to go have fun or run errands or whatever it might be. So, yeah, it's such a huge benefit to be able to work that flexibility.

Rhonda: Well, like you said, it is more widely accepted for people to stay at home. So, let's talk a little bit about some of the successes and lessons that you've learned from 24 years of working. Not only working from home yourself, but really helping other women work from home as well. So,-

Lesley: Yeah.

Rhonda: So, what are five things that women need to know before starting to work from home?

Lesley: I think one of the biggest mistakes I see moms make is they jump right into something because they just want to work at home. So, the first thing that comes along, they're like, "I'm going to do it. I can make money." Well, that doesn't always work. It may work for some people, but I really think the best thing to do is to really spend time thinking about your true strengths, your passion, your experience, your education, and how those all fit together, and what could you do with that combination of skills and passions. I think you'll be so much more successful.

Lesley: It may not be something that you can start and be up and running and making money the next day, but I think the old saying "Find what you love and the money will follow," is so true because I love what I do, so working is never like, "Oh, I've got to work today." Working is like, "Yay! I'm going to work today. What fun am I going to have?" because every day's a little bit different and I interact with different moms and business owners. So, that's my first recommendation is find something that you're passionate about.

Lesley: Then, also consider the viability of your business. So, if you want to do something and there's no market for it or the market is saturated, maybe you need to go to plan B because if there's too much competition, it may be hard for you to make an income. But there's always room, you know. On the other hand, if what you do is really good and you can find your unique selling point, then you can always give it a go.

Lesley: I also think it's really important to be a motivated self-starter because you don't have a boss looking over your shoulder and telling you to get in there and get to work. So, if that's not your personality, either you got to figure out how to make yourself become more motivated and self-start or maybe find something else where you are working for someone else.

Lesley: Then, I think it's important to develop a plan, even if it's informal, where you write down your business idea, who your market is, how you think you can target them through whatever advertising, marketing, direct mail, whatever works for you, or direct email more these days.

Lesley: Then, my final piece of advice is to commit yourself to at least six months. Don't give up too quickly because it does take time to get a business up and running, and sometimes it takes up to 12 months. So, if you're not making money the first month, don't give up. I know when I first started 24 years ago, I had such passion to make it work because I did not ... I took my baby girl to daycare for two weeks and I cried every day. This was me thinking ... I never thought I would be a stay-at-home mom. I used to think that was such a boring life, like, "Who wants to do that?" So, I had always envisioned myself as being this big, corporate career lady with my briefcase and my stilettos and I was going for it. Then, I had a baby and all of that just changed for me.

Lesley: I was like, "I cannot bear to leave her in somebody else's care." So, when I quit after two weeks, my motivation was, "I better get some clients fast because we couldn't afford for me not to work." So, that was my motivation, and it pushed me out of my comfort zone because, normally, I'm not the type that would just cold call or call someone up and say, "Hey, do you need blah blah, blah?" but I did because I was really determined to make it work. So, if you're that determined, I think you've got your foot off to the right start.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think, too, it's ... Part of the tip, too, is identifying needs, right? A lot of the businesses are started because there's a need of something. "We're going to help solve a problem for something," whatever that something is,-

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: ... right?

Lesley: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Most definitely.

Rhonda: So, no, those are definitely some really great tips. So, let's talk a little bit about what it takes for women to be successful when they are working from home.

Lesley: Okay. Yeah. I think some of the personality traits I've already mentioned, to be motivated, self-starter, perseverance, drive, determination. Because let's face it, you don't always have good days in your business. There are bad days. There are good days. So, just to persevere when you do have those bad days or there's difficult clients or things don't go right, that sort of thing.

Lesley: It's also very important to be organized because, at least in the beginning, you're most likely going to be doing everything yourself, and so to be organized and have ... I like to sometimes time block my schedule so that I know for one hour I'm doing email, for the next hour, I might do social media, for the next hour, I might work on a project, and to give myself an organized daily outline of what my day is going to look like. Of course, you got to have flexibility sometimes because things happen, but that works well for me. The ability to manage your time well and to not allow yourself to get stuck viewing social media or whatever it is that might pull you away from getting work done.

Lesley: I also think it's important to be a continual learner. Like I said, I've been doing this for a long time, but I still try to listen to podcasts and read books and stay up-to-date on new trends. There's always so much more to learn. I feel like there is so much more I could do and learn. You just don't have enough time. But to be a continual learner and to have that as your mindset, like, "I'm not going to get stuck and just do things the same way forever," because you want to stay current with everything. It's also important to adapt to changes. There may be something that changes in your industry or in your market, maybe new competitors to come in, and just being able to adapt and change.

Lesley: So, I know with Hire My Mom, when I first started Hire My Mom, which is 12 years ago, there was not many other sites like Hire My Mom, but now there's quite a few. There's Fiverr and Upwork and FlexJobs and all these others, so what I've tried to do is stay in my lane and differentiate what is ... how is my Hire My Mom different? Well, we're different in that we're a boutique site. We're a lot smaller than those other big sites. We don't have a staff of 200 people. I have a team of three, so we're much smaller and we cater, obviously, to moms and small businesses and entrepreneurs. So, we don't go after the Marriotts and the big companies that do have work from home options. We just try to cater directly to our audience and provide the best service we can, a personalized service that you don't get on the bigger sites.

Lesley: Then, like I said before, just having a passion for what you do I think is so important because when I talk to prospective business owners, I think they can tell that I truly enjoy what I do because I'm both an entrepreneur and a mom, so I fit both sides of my market and I'm passionate about being a mom and I'm passionate about being an entrepreneur, and I think that comes out when I talk to people. It's not something I have to manufacturer because it's truly something that I love.

Lesley: Then lastly, I would say the ability to continue when other things are calling you. So, if you work from home, you can guarantee that you'll have distractions, whether it's the neighbors that want to come over and chit-chat or the laundry that's piling up or the grocery store that's calling you, and none of those things are bad, but you just have to know when to say, "No," to those things and let your ... get the work done that you need to get done for that day.

Rhonda: You know, one of the ... I just love this conversation because I think, A, there's plenty of moms that are listening to the podcast right now that are trying to figure out, "Okay. Well, what am I passionate about? Where can I look to find gigs that I can do from home?" and there's also entrepreneurs that are looking for people to be able to help.

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: One of the things that I ... There were two words that I wrote down that our conversation prompted me to think of. One is ... I think one of the things that we need to be very intentional about, especially when we're working from home, is not to be isolated because it's very easy to stay home, right? I mean, you've got ... Your kids are home, you're busy, you're working from home, and I think being intentional about finding specific groups or a group that you can be part of so that you can get out and meet people and talk to people,-

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: So, just making sure that we're intentional of doing that because I think it's easy to do.

Lesley: It is.

Rhonda: Days go, weeks go by, and you're like, "I haven't even hardly left my house."

Lesley: Right. That, I think, is a great tip as well. So, I do that. I make myself get out, too. I usually go to the gym and I'll do a workout class or something, so I'll have interaction there. I feel like it gets my mindset in the right place because I've got those endorphins running, I feel good, I've done something good for my self-care. Then I do a weekly women's group. We either have a prayer group or a Bible study, and so I connect in that way each week, too. Occasionally, I'll do the girls' lunch. Last week, I met with two other Hire My Mom ladies that are here in my area, in the Woodlands Spring near Houston. So, it is fun just to make sure that you don't isolate yourself and that you are getting out. You can always use that as networking because people are always asking, "What do you do?" "I work from home." So, it's an open door to share what you do.

Rhonda: Yeah. No, I think that's awesome. Well, one of the things that I think ties into the services that you offer is the importance of delegating because I know that my business would not be where it is today without me delegating to very important people that are part of my team. One of which is a virtual assistant who runs a lot of the backend stuff, does testing. I mean, all of those kinds of things are happening, whether it's we're delegating to technology, we're delegating to people, we're delegating to a combination thereof. Can you talk to that just a little bit and the importance of delegating?

Lesley: Yeah, absolutely. I agree with that 100%. Like I said earlier, you may not be able to delegate the day you start your business because funds may be tight, but as soon as you can, the first thing I did was hire a VA. That is ... It allows me to do what I'm good at and frees me up to not spend time in email and customer service and things like that.

Lesley: So, my VA is wonderful. Found her on Hire My Mom, and she answers all of my emails that comes through the website, she does all the customer service phone calls, we use Grasshopper so they can direct who gets which calls, and then she also researches every job that's posted. So, we try our best to make sure every job is legitimate. So, she spends time googling them on the Internet, looking at them on LinkedIn, finding out ... going to Better Business Bureau, all these different ways to prevent any scams from getting in, so that's a huge help.

Lesley: Then, I have someone who helps me with social media. So, we know it takes a lot of time if you're going to have a social media presence, so I'm delegating for that. Then, I have somebody who helps me occasionally with Pinterest and blogs and with our new concierge service. I have an HR professional who ... Our concierge service is for busy professionals who need the hire, but they don't have the time or desire. So, we'll do a consultation, we'll write the job post, we'll post the job, we'll interview, reveal the candidates, interview, and then present the top couple of candidates for them to make the final decisions. So, I have somebody that helps with that when I have a client that needs that.

Lesley: So, yeah, you can't really grow your business without delegating and outsourcing. Today, virtual teams are so common, and with all the tools that are out, like what we're using, Zoom, you can have face-to-face meetings even in different locations.

Rhonda: Right.

Lesley: So, yeah, it's a wonderful ... I think it works great for small businesses who want to continue working from home but need to grow and expand the business because one person cannot possibly do it all.

Rhonda: No. For sure. I think a lot of times ... Well, A, myself, I have to remind myself of this, but then also the women that I'm working with to say, "Okay. Let's just get the facts," because I think sometimes people think, "Oh. Well, I couldn't hire a virtual assistant," or, "I couldn't hire somebody to help me on social media." Okay. Well, maybe you can, maybe you can't, but let's get the facts. Let's find out what they could offer within your budget. When I hired my virtual assistant, we started at 10 hours a month because that's what I could afford to have her help me with.

Lesley: Absolutely.

Rhonda: Now, she's grown with me and she's doing 40 hours a month. So, we've literally quadrupled what we were doing. I look back, I'm like, "Oh, my gosh. There were just a couple of things I had her working on and now she's running ..." She was always capable of doing it. It was just ... I think sometimes I didn't even know what to ask her to help me with.

Lesley: Right.

Rhonda: She's pushed me. You know what? I step out of my comfort zone. We just started a new project management tool that we can all be on the same page and we're getting a lot more done, and I told her, I said, "This is ... You're pushing me out of my comfort zone, and as much as we resist it, I know I need it.

Lesley: That's what's so great about virtual assistants because, a lot of times, they'll work for more than one client and they learn from different people and then they can bring that skill to you. But I was the same way. My first VA probably worked two or three hours a week so about $10 ... $10 ... about 10 hours a month. As your business grows, they can grow with you, and as your income increases, you can delegate more out. I know my VA has two other clients that she works for because she still ... She probably works for me about 10 hours a week now, so it's increased, but it's still not ... She's looking for about 30 hours a week. So, it works great.

Lesley:  They don't have to just work for one person, and it is beneficial because sometimes they bring things to you that you're like, "Wow," because we use ... My social media assistant and I use Slack. I don't know if that's the one that you use, but that's how we collaborate. So, she can put things in Slack, and I can review them, we can collaborate on them, and then she can go ahead and post it. But that way, I oversee everything and make sure it's in tune with my voice and my mission without it just going directly to social media. So, there's so many great tools out there like that where you can collaborate and communicate and keep things in their channels so that it's not ... Emails get crazy and get lost, and then you go try to dig and, "Where's that conversation when we were talking about X, Y and Z? I don't know." So, tools like Slack, Asana, Trello. There's a lot of them out there that are great for that.

Rhonda: Yup. We just started using ... Asana is the one we started using.

Lesley: Okay. Yeah.

Rhonda: I mean, it's working really well. We've only been using it now for a couple of weeks, but, man, it's so nice to be able to be on the same page and assigning the tasks. Then, I think the big thing for me as business owner is I don't feel like I have to micromanage all the pieces, but I actually just want to know when stuff's done or where we're at on it because a lot of times what I'm working on is depending on where they're at on a certain part of the project.

Lesley: Right. Exactly.

Rhonda: To get stuff done and checked off, you're like, "Oh, my gosh. Okay. Good. Now, that can be-

Lesley: Yes.

Rhonda: ... set aside.

Lesley: Yes. I agree 100%. You're not wasting time emailing back and forth saying, "Where are you?" that sort of thing. You can just look and see where they're at.

Rhonda: Yeah.

Lesley: So, I liked that with ... Have you ever heard of or used Grasshopper, the phone service-

Rhonda: No.

Lesley: ... I was talking about?

Rhonda: So, I used to have my cell phone listed on my website because who has a business line these days if you work from home? The only problem was 90% of the calls were for my virtual assistant, but I didn't want to put her cell phone on that website, so we use Grasshopper, and so I have an 800, or it's an 833 number, but it's, "Press one for this, two for that, three for that," and so depending on which number they push, it'll either go directly to her or directly to me, but I can see every voicemail that's left as the owner of it and you can also text people back. I can see every time she responds by text. It comes to me. So, if I want to, I can review all of the different communication, make sure that everything was answered to my satisfaction. But now that she's been with me a while, I don't really have to do that as much. But yeah, that's another great tool that works good for small businesses from home where you have some ... a virtual team and you want to direct calls to different people.

Rhonda: Wow. That's really cool. So, is that actually an app?

Lesley: It's an app and it's ... You can use it on your computer. So, what's nice, too, is every time a voicemail is left, it also emails you the voicemail. So, you can listen to it in your email as well as the app.

Rhonda: That is awesome.

Lesley: But yeah, I really liked that.

Rhonda: So, for the women that are going through divorce, they can use it. "Press one for my ex-husband. Press ..."

Lesley: Yeah. Yeah. There you go. That's great.

Rhonda: Not taking his calls anymore. Don't call me. Oh, my gosh. That is awesome. I love the tips in the tools, right? Part of the reason that I wanted to do this podcast interview was because there are so many women that I work with that are needing to reinvent themselves or they're needing to be able to supplement the income that they're getting from child support and maintenance to be able to maintain a good standard of living for them and their kids or they just have time and they want to do something and make a difference and help people.

Lesley: Yeah.

Rhonda: I love the opportunity to be able to help them, introduce them to tools, resources, platforms that can help them do that. I think one of the other things, in addition to "What does it take for people that are working from home to be successful?" I think we also want to say, "Hey, what are some of the mistakes that people potentially make as they are working from home as well?" So, chat with us a little bit about that.

Lesley: Okay. One of the mistakes ... I already mentioned when people rush too quickly into something, then they don't really give it the time and attention that they should. For instance, "Oh, my girlfriend is making $500 a month. I'm going to do that. Or $5,000 a month," but it has something that you're totally not interested in. If it's home parties and multilevel marketing, that's great, and some people do very well, but if you know that's not your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't waste your time because the people that make a lot of money work their butts off. They don't just sit at home and watch the cash roll in. So, that's really important. I think it's just ...

Lesley: Again, think about your personality, your strengths, your experience in research. I mean, the Internet is such a fast resource, so if you're looking to ... We were talking so much on the Internet. there's virtual administration, there's social media, there's blogging, there's writing, there's editing, there's web design, bookkeeping, accounting. There's so many different opportunities if you're looking to work for someone and not start your own business and there's tons of courses. So, if you want to be a virtual assistant, but you're thinking, "Oh, my skills are rusty. I really don't know if I could do Asana, Slack and all these things." None of these are difficult, but you do need to be acclimated to them and know how to use them because someone that's looking to hire is not going to want to train you on everything. So, if you can do 30-day, 60-day virtual assistant training, then you're so much more likely to get a job.

Rhonda: Yeah.

Lesley: We partnered with a few different people on some of those training programs that have actually been Hire My Mom members that started out as a virtual assistant and now they've transitioned into being more like a coach and courses and things like that. It's not just for virtual assistance. There are similar programs for if you want to do social media or bookkeeping or whatever it might be. So, yeah, I think it's just really deciding what you're passionate about, what you want to do and not wasting your time on something that you think you'll just make money at.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think, too, the return on the investment, right? The opportunity to be able to not only have the flexibility, but the cash flow aspect of it, too, I think is certainly an important and attractive piece of this whole conversation.

Lesley: Yes. I can relate because I think I mentioned before we did the podcast, I was divorced as well. I was married 14 years and went through a divorce, unexpected, unwanted, so not only financially devastates you, emotionally, mentally and everything. So, I can relate to where some of these ladies probably are. I had started my home business at that time, but I completely went missing pretty much for a month or two before I could really get my focus back. Thankfully, my business wasn't destroyed through that, and when I got my feet back underneath me, I actually ...

Lesley: I'm a woman of prayer. I was like, "Okay, God, I can't make it on what I'm making right now and I do not want to have to put my kids ... change more for them than already has been changed." I had two children at the time. They were five and seven, and I was like, "I don't want to have to move," and not because I need the house where I am, but I just didn't want to change more for them. If there was any way possible, I wanted to be able to stay where I was. same school, same friends, same house and not have to get a full-time job. I was trying my best to keep things as similar as it was without dad at home for my kids.

Lesley: So, I was just like, "Okay, God, I need some help here because I need to increase my income," and, "You know what I need," and, "I'm willing to cut back and eat ramen noodles. I've done that, been there, been that poor college kid, put myself through college, so I know how to live inexpensively." So, I did, and it was a luxury to take my kids out for ice cream at a time. That was a big deal. But slowly, I just felt like God gave me new ideas. At one point, I had ... My first website was Home-Based Working Moms and then I launched one for Canada, so I had a Canadian version, and then I launched a work at home kit where I wrote a workbook and had some other authors and their books and included membership, and then I had an e-directory of ... So, I had all these other ideas that came and really helped me expand my business and be able to continue working at home.

Lesley: Then, it wasn't until 2007, which was about five years after my divorce, when I started Hire My Mom. Now, that's the only website I have because it keeps me busy and it's the one that fits our times where we're at, you know? So, that adapting and changing. Like I said, this is my sixth website, and every website was current for the time. Who knows? Hire My Mom, may be a day when it's not current and the thing anymore, but for now, it is.

Rhonda: Yeah. That's awesome. That is awesome. Well, I know that we have covered a lot of ground so far. I always like to wrap up the podcast with two things. One is your favorite quote and the second thing is a client success story. So, let's go ahead and start with your favorite quote.

Lesley: Okay. Well, I have two. One, I've already mentioned, which is "Do what you love and the money will follow," and the other one is "Success is different for everyone, and only you can decide what success is for you." So, for me, success may be working from home and just making a good income. Success for someone else may be making six figures. Someone else, it may be raising kids and just working as little as possible. So, just knowing what success is for you and not getting caught up in what someone else's definition of success is.

Rhonda: Yeah, absolutely. I love that. So, share with us one of your favorite client success stories.

Lesley: Yeah. I have two that recently came through, and both of them are favorites of mine because they are both previous Hire My mom job-seekers. So, they started out on Hire My Mom, found work, and one of them is an editor and the other one, I think she was administration, can't remember off the top of my head. But the bottom line is just in the last couple of months, both of them have come back to Hire My Mom as employers to post jobs because now their business has grown so much that they are now hiring a virtual team. So, that's my very favorite success story because it just shows the full circle of ... You might start out as the job seeker and get one, two, three, four clients, and your business may grow so much that you have to then come back and then hire someone to help you and outsource some of your work. So, yeah. Both of those stories are on our blog if somebody wants to read more about Monique and Andrea's success stories with us.

Rhonda: I love that. Isn't that ... I just have goosebumps because isn't that really what entrepreneurship for women is all about?

Lesley: Yes. Yes, I agree. Both of them still have young children at home, so they're living the dream, as they would say, being able to now ... Because I think as moms, it's so meaningful to be able to hire another mom because we've been there where we had littles and we wanted to be at home with them, then knowing, "I'm helping this mom be at home with her littles because it meant so much to me." That was my whole reason for starting Hire My Mom. It meant so much for me to be able to work from home. I wanted to help other moms, too, you know? As an entrepreneur now, it means so much to me to hire moms, to help them be at home, that it's the whole thing, you know? It's just one of my passions, obviously.

Rhonda: I love it. I love it. So, share with our listeners just really briefly about your business because I know there's the two sides. There's the job-seeker and then the employer, right?

Lesley: Right. Yes.

Rhonda: So, talk to us a little bit about that and how your platform works.

Lesley: Okay. So, yeah, you can come to our site. If you're a job-seeker, you can come, and I would say have your resume ready so that as soon as you join, you can start applying for jobs. We have three packages available for job-seekers. So, we have a one-week trial, we have a three-month, our gold membership, which is our most popular. So, the one-week trial is $9.99. The three-month gold membership is $29.99 Then, we have a platinum membership that is six months and it also includes being the featured candidate on the home page, and that one's $99. So, like I said, as soon as you sign up, you're able to apply for jobs immediately, any and all that you're interested in.

Lesley: Then, on the employer side, we also have three packages. So, we have a one-week trial for a posting a job, and that's $14.99. Then, our gold package to post a job for one month is $39. Then, we have the concierge service that I mentioned earlier, and that's where we basically do everything for the busy business owner who needs to hire a virtual professional, and the cost for that's is $4.99. So, all of those are available to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Rhonda: Awesome. Awesome. Well, you are matchmaking, right, in a differences.

Lesley: Yes.

Rhonda: I just want to thank you so much for spending some time today to just share a little bit more about some tips and we shared some resources and some tools for women that just may be feeling like, "Where do I go next? I just got the word that I may be going through divorce," or, "We filed for divorce and now what?" I love that I have the opportunity to have met you and now share this great resource with the women that need you most.

Lesley: Yeah. Well, thank you. I appreciate being able to share with them.




QUOTE: “Find what you love, and the money will follow” AND “Success is different for everyone. Only you can decide what success is for you.”

SPECIAL OFFER: For any new members, we will add an additional week to your membership or posting if you mention this podcast on your order form.


Lesley Pyle

Founder & Owner

Hire My Mom

4057 Riley Fuzzel Road, Suite 500-117

Spring, TX 77386

[email protected]

 (281) 757-2207

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