I fucking LOVE the wheel of consent

Have you ever had a sexual interaction where most of the experience you were in your head worrying about where the interaction was going to go, because it was unclear from the beginning?

I know that when there is  a lack of clarity in my interactions, I tend to go into my head, I tend to contract or avoid eye contact etc etc. 

The idea is, when I am relaxed, I feel the most pleasure. When i am contracted, there is less space for pleasure to flow through. Therefor to increase the chances of relaxation, it serves to bring clarity of what I am desiring and what others are desiring in a certain engagement.

Sooooo to support relaxation and therefor, maximum safety and therfor maximum enjoyment, fun, pleasure, healing dot dot dot

Betty Martin developed a model to support clarity and consent in the interactions  between two people who desire to engage in some type of touch based interaction.

This model reveals the different dynamics that happen between two people in a touch exchange and helps us relax into this clarity and enjoy an interaction without needing to waste energy "trying to figure out" where its going or whats going on.

check out betty martin on laurie handlers podcast here:


check out betty's content here:

big love

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