From a young age, we have all been indoctrinated with this pattern of seeking. We are constantly looking for things outside of us, and trying to "know". We idolize the intellect and forget the magic of intuition. While the intellect is a valuable tool for practical situations, perhaps the tool of intuition is much more suited for navigating our life path and reality as a whole. I've got Henzo joining me on the show this week speaking to the power of intuition and how it shows up. He uncovers the magic that arises in each moment when we stop seeking, and he gracefully reveals the power of letting go of our egoic agenda, in dedication to a greater devotional service. When we let go of what "we want to happen" and dive into, what "wants to happen" we begin an unknown journey into the mystery. 

Let go of the mind, step into the nothing

Thanks for the depth and wisdom Henzo

thank you all for joining and listening ;)

with gratitude

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