It's time to wake the fuck up. We are being called by the universe to step into a power greater than ourselves and to throw ourselves into the fire of transformation. We are being called, and I am asking you, as the universe, through bonzai, to step up and get out of the way for life to move through you. The time is now. In this weeks episode, we're getting deep into the wisdom that was delivered to me during my ayuhuasca ceremony a few weeks ago. We will look at letting go of expectations and how expectations stand in the way of us witnessing the magic that lies in front of us. We'll talk about trusting yourself and the super powers that come out of that deep trust, and we'll dive head first into shame. The work is showing itself to us right now, each of us in our own separate ways. Its time to clean out our closet, let go of the old stories, beliefs and skeletons and step in to the new world that we can and will create together. Life wants to live, we just need to get out of the way

thank you all so much for listening

you have two meditations here for stepping into your energetic body and creating boundaries

the other one is called setting energetic boundaries on the insight timer page here: :)

In deep love and gratitude

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