Do you have RAW FAITH? Can one person literally CHANGE this entire world with LOVE? Is it possible to have FAITH and LOVE when pain is raging through your body? Is it even IMAGINABLE to choose FAITH and LOVE? The answer is YES! Elizabeth Chalker, author of Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind (Raw Faith) is in the fight of her life combating Lyme Disease and a mold biotoxin. Her journey has been one of disappointments, heartache and extreme physical pain.

As noted on Elizabeth's website, "You - one person - an individual, can literally change this whole world with love. By focusing on love, making a choice to love, feeding all that is positive, good, and of the light with exuberance and abundance instead of feeding the negative and evil things of the darkness. You can literally change the world and yourself. One relationship - one interaction - one decision at a time."
Be sure to join our Host, Kelli Claypool, during this life-changing episode of DivaTalkRadio. Our interactive chat room will be open during the live show.
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