“Shhhh!!!! I’m answering EMAIL!”  ”But, Sweetie!  We’re in the MIDDLE of the store. Can’t you do that at HOME?”
How many times have we been at the MALL, in CHURCH, at a PARTY, or dinner with FRIENDS, and feel we MUST check our phone and web-surf? Or, we’re at home and find we just HAVE to work at the desktop.  It’s dinner time, but THREE members of the FOUR in the family are PLAYING games on their tablets. Sometimes, we have the BlueTooth STUCK in our ear, WORKING on the laptap, TEXTING , and more, all at the SAME TIME! Plus, life feels CRAZY and we are just so TIRED!
Camille Preston, PhD, PCC, author of Rewired: How to Work Smarter, Live Better, and Be Purposefully Productive in an Overwired World, explains how we are wired, or rather, overwired,  to technology and why that isn’t always a good thing. On Camille’s website she notes:
Living overwired also has a detrimental impact on our cognitive, physical, and emotional health. Being
overwhelmed and overwired negatively impacts our ability to think clearly, to focus, and to process
information properly. And the attendant stress does very real physical damage to our bodies.
Furthermore, when we are overwired, we don’t form relationships and make deep connections the way
we should. We aren’t working smart, we aren’t living well, and we aren’t fulfilled.
Camille will give you the encouragement to unwire and take a step back from the overload of technology.