Divas, I am excited about this year! Over on our Divas That Pray Facebook page, we’ve been discussing spiritual ways that you can live an EXTRAordinary life. On our website, we’ve been discussing ways to get in shape so you can live an EXTRAordinary life.
On February 1, 2013 I will be starting a 21-day Diva Community Fast and want YOU to join it with me. You might be thinking, what is fasting? I’ve never done this before, what can it do for me? What can I expect from fasting?
Join me on today's show as we kick off the 21-Day Diva Community Fast that will forever change your life! Our interactive chat room will be open during the LIVE call.
In Romans 12:1, Paul writes “I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let it be a living sacrifice, holy, the kind he can accept.” You see, God has good, pleasing, and perfect plans for us. He wants us to be new people with freshness of thought and alive to glorify Him. Since he wants only the best for us, we should joyfully offer ourselves as living sacrifices for Him. And one way of doing that is through fasting and prayer.
As we learn to live an EXTRAordinary life, we need to decrease ourselves so that God can increase in us. During the 21-day Diva Community Fast, we will be doing the Daniel Fast.
To learn more, click here to join us for the 21-Day Diva Community Fast.