Ned talks about how waiting in line and waiting his turn get him riled up and feels like torture. He proposes a few ways we can pass the time without getting angry and irritated, and pledges to try and turn his impatient moments into something other than purely painful. 

Get a copy of Dr. H's newest book, ADHD 2.0 at or by clicking HERE. You can also find it wherever books are sold!  

If you have a question or comment you'd like us to address in a future episode reach out to us! Write an email or record a voice memo and send it to [email protected].  

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Learn what it's like to be a student at Landmark College during their Virtual Open House on March 19th! Register HERE. Landmark College in Putney, Vermont is the college of choice for students who learn differently. 

Distraction is created by Sounds Great Media. Our recording engineer/editor is Scott Persson and our producer is Sarah Guertin.