The process of reaching an ADHD diagnosis rests primarily on your    personal history. However neuropsychological testing can reveal a ton of useful information for expanding your understanding of your own ADHD. As Dr. H says in this ep, "It's the closest thing we have to an MRI of your mind." But as Ned also points out, this type of testing is not necessary for a diagnosis. 

Dr. Hallowell's new book, ADHD 2.0, comes out January 12th. Pre-order Now!  Click here to pre-order your copy of ADHD 2.0

Check out #NedTalks on TikTok! @drhallowell

Do you have a question or guest suggestion? Send an email with your thoughts to [email protected].

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor, Landmark College, in Putney, Vermont. It's the college of choice for students who learn differently!

Thanks to our sponsor, OmegaBrite Wellness! Dr. H takes OmegaBrite supplements every day and that's why he invited them to sponsor his podcast. SAVE 20% on your first order at with the promo code: Podcast2020. 

Distraction is created by Sounds Great Media. Our producer is Sarah Guertin and our recording engineer/editor is Scott Persson.