How to ADHD creator Jessica McCabe joins Ned for a conversation about creativity. Jessica opens up about the doubts she had when she first started her YouTube channel, shares the latest research on how neurodivergent brains are more creative than neurotypical ones, and underscores the importance of finding support for your creativity. (As you'll hear in this episode, for Jessica, that support came from Dr. Hallowell!)

An extra special thanks to our sponsor Landmark College in Putney, Vermont for making this episode possible!

Check out Jessica's videos at HowtoADHD. BTW, she now has over 628,000 subscribers!

Share your thoughts with us about this episode! Write an email or record a voice memo and send it to [email protected].

Distraction is created by Sounds Great Media and produced by Sarah Guertin.

Do you know a student with ADHD or other learning difference looking for a higher education experience? Tell them about our amazing sponsor, Landmark College, in Putney, Vermont. Learn more about their summer programs HERE.