School has never been easy for 22-year old Katie LaBombard. Even though she was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age and found a treatment plan that worked, she still struggled. Now Katie is set to graduate from Landmark College this spring, despite never imagining she'd even make it through high school. 

We found Katie through our sponsor Landmark College, and she graciously and openly shares her story in this episode. We can't say enough good things about Katie, and we're confident you'll feel the same after listening! 

If you have a question or comment you'd like Dr. Hallowell to address in an episode reach out to us! Write an email or record a voice memo and send it to [email protected].  

Learn more about the programs being offered this summer at Landmark College! There's a summer program for high school students, a summer bridge experience, and a college readiness program. Go HERE to learn more. Landmark College in Putney, Vermont is the college of choice for students who learn differently. 

Learn more about our sponsor OmegaBrite Wellness, creators of the #1 Omega-3 supplements for the past twenty years. Ned and his wife, Sue, take them every day. Distraction listeners will SAVE 20% on their first order with the code: Distraction at

Distraction is created by Sounds Great Media and produced by Sarah Guertin.