Achieve More With A Growth Mindset

Dr. Hallowell considers it a happy accident that he happened to attend a lecture given by third-grade teachers Darrah Parsons and Becky Kline. 

The talk focused on their experiences teaching young girls about Carol Dweck's groundbreaking findings regarding ability and achievement in life. 

In this episode, Darrah and Becky join Dr. Hallowell to talk about the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and why productive struggle is a really good thing. 

If you want to do more and be more in life, this episode is here to show you that you can! It's never too late to change your mindset, achieve your goals and find success. 

If you'd like to reach out to Darrah, email her at [email protected], and if you'd like to reach out to Becky, email [email protected]

Click HERE to go to Carol Dweck's website. 

This Episode is sponsored by Landmark College in Putney, Vermont. It's the college of choice for students who learn differently. Learn more at


This Classic Episode was first presented on December 12, 2017