These are the three things that excite me most about education today:

1. The hardware is in place.
Smart devices are everywhere. These tools, if we start to shift our thinking in education, can be used to create amazing things. Now that the hardware is in place...we need to work on the software or the operating system of education.

2. Communication Platforms.
Social media is a lot of things. Some are good and some are bad. If we use it as an audience for students to showcase what they've created it can be a powerful tool. It also allows them to learn about themselves by consuming the content of others.

3. Everyone is ready and waiting.
Private industry, non-profits, and everyone in between is aware that education needs to adapt. Guess what. They all want to help in a positive way. Reach out to local business and non-profit organizations and ask for help building a plan to make your school/classroom better. *Hint - I'd start with the Chamber of Commerce or EDC. They will know who from the local community would welcome you with open arms.