A magic scarf turned me gay.

Being Gay

“If you don’t know whether you’re gay or not, it means you are.” – some kid

In honour of National Coming Out Day, episode 21 recounts my childhood fear of being gay, which my ego cleverly disguised as jealousy in order to save my life. I somehow managed to be both completely unaware of my sexuality and yet strangely titillated and mortified every time I heard the song “Moonlight Desires” by Gowan.

Eventually, a magic technicolor scarf forced me to embrace my gayness and come out to my family at our semi-annual “family meeting”, but it took me four more years to get a date with the blonde “angel” of my dreams (just in time for me to move to another city forever). In the end, I learned an important lesson about valuing myself, the shame that drives having a “type”, and the dangers of putting cute blonde guys on a pedestal (which I accidentally pronounce “pedestool”).

This all makes more sense if you listen to my episode on Acting.