Previous Episode: How to renew your mind.

Episode 11.


Prayer and Fasting 


Remove Unbelief.

So What Does?

Today a lot of people believe that in order to remove unbelief we must be praying and fasting. That is not so. 

Download the episode here.

This teaching has come from Matthew 17. Were because of the disciples unbelief they could not cast out a demon from a child. (even  though  they had cast out many demons before that). Then Jesus replied to His disciples with the words, 'this kind does go out except by prayer and fasting'. 

However when we read the context we see that the question that the disciples asked the Lord was 'Why could we not cast it (the demon) out'. Not how do we remove unbelief. 

So in this episode I will teach you that in order to see the whole picture when we are reading the gospels, it's really important that we read all the gospels. As I take you through God's Word we will see that in Mark's gospel of this account we read a lot more information that we do not see in Matthew's account. But when we put the two gospels together we see the whole picture, and thus get a clear understanding of what the Lord is teaching us. 

When we study the life of Jesus, we see that He only did and said what He was instructed from His Father. And thus He was always fruitful. 

His disciples however where not always doing that, so therefore they could not cast out that demon. 

Because the Lord was always in communion with the Father through prayer, (He would often spend time in solitude praying). He knew what the problem was (the boys father). Because He heard it from His Father God. The disciples did not know that, why? Because they where not praying beforehand. 

So from the example of Jesus we see that the only thing that removes unbelief is the Word of God. (what God is saying at that moment). 


Some of the things I speak about.

Reading from Matthew 17 (the child with a demon). (1:41)


The importance of reading all the gospels. (3:24) 


The same event from Marks gospel.  (5:07)


Why could we not cast it out? A very reasonable question to ask. (8:19)


Jesus discerned the problem, (which was the unbelief in the boys father). His disciples did not. Why? (9:50)


Jesus only said and did what he heard from the Father. (12:12)


One of the pitfalls that we can all fall into if we are not careful is that we can act out of our experience of casting out demons, rather than having ears to hear and acting from obedience to the instruction of the Holy Spirit. That pitfall the disciples fell into in this case.


The Word of God (spoken Word and written Word) removes unbelief. (14:13)


What the Lord showed me just recently. Very Powerful. (16:33)


When Jesus was not ministering to people, He was praying. Be like Jesus and the disciples in the book of Acts. Stay in communion with the Holy Spirit. (20:20)


Plus more...


This one will go against the status que. (just like all these episodes).

 Love and blessings to you all.




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If you would like to listen to and download episode 5. 

Bible Interpretation.

To check out all other episodes of Disciple Disciplines.

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