How To Renew Your Mind.

You will be transformed.

Anyone who has been a regular attendant of a Christian gathering would have heard the teaching that "you must renew the mind."

This teaching is scriptural and is essential to living a normal Christian life. The problem had been that no one was teaching how to do that.  Download The Episode Here.

I was frustrated with not knowing how to renew my mind. Until one day I cried out to the Lord, teach me how to renew my mind. 

Since that day the Lord has been gracious and He has and still is teaching me how to walk in the fullness of God by being transformed by the renewing or reprograming of our minds.

In this episode you will learn that from childhood we have been conditioned on how to think, act, believe, and as a result of this we are living our lives on automatic pilot. The program is controlling us. 

You will also learn how to change the program to the new godly one. There are some very practical ways for you to do this. All it takes is some time set aside everyday. Once the new program is up and running, you will then see and live the life that our Master has promised to all those who love Him.

Some of the things I talk about.

Is the soul the mind. What did Jesus say about this. (1:17)


The 2 minds.  (3:47)


Where do the negative thoughts come from and The FALSE doctrine of, Satan speaks to our mind. (6:57) 


Why it is a destructive doctrine. (13:41)


Old things have passed away, why then do we need to put off the old man? (17:23)


How to we begin to change the paradigm (the carnal mind). (24:12) 


How do you keep the Word in your heart. (29:13)


James 1 says to receive with meekness the IMPLANTED Word, which will save (heal, deliver, preserve) your soul. How do you implant the Word. (35:18)


Plus lots more... I share some study's that have been done on the power of our mind to increase the performance of athletes, and how the body will do what the mind tells it to do. 

The importance of staying hungry for God and His Word, and how to do that. 

And understanding the laws of the mind. Very interesting.


God Bless.



If you want others to help you or to have some like minded fellowship then go to. World Map. and click on a marker that's in your area. You can then contact them.   If you want some professional coaching on being fruitful in all areas of your life. Whether you have goals you want to accomplish or you just want to be a better disciple of Christ. If you lack discipline then you can contact me                                                         Remember to subscribe or follow saints, so you can get notified of the new episodes.                                           Love to you all. Glenn.