Ep. 21

False Doctrine #1.

Paul's Thorn In The Flesh

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This first lesson in our 'Removing the religious glasses' series, I talk about and debunk that false doctrine that says, Paul's thorn in the flesh was a sickness, infirmity or a demon (opinions vary). And that is exactly what they are, opinions.


But if we simply read the scriptures, we can easily see, what a thorn in the flesh is and we can see what is a messenger of Satan.


If we believe that God is inflicting us with a sickness or disease or a demon, then that will indeed hinder us from really pursuing the fullness of God.


To understand what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. We must break it down and find out, what is a thorn in the flesh, what is a messenger of Satan and what does it mean to be buffeted.


So in this episode, I teach.


How to find the answers. (3:06)




 What is a thorn in the flesh (3:49)




What is a messenger of Satan? (8:01)




Paul boasts in his weaknesses. Why? (10:20.8)




 What does it mean to be buffeted? (13:35)




All we need to do is read the bible. (14:41.7)



For a Free download of Episode 5. https://bit.ly/BibleInterp

If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar

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Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode. 

Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples.

God Bless you all.

Love, Glenn.