Ep. 20

Removing The Religious Glasses.

A series on deciphering false doctrines.

FREE Download. https://bit.ly/ReligiousGlasses

Today we have many false doctrines and traditions of men in the body of Christ. This, however, is not new, false doctrines and man's traditions have been among us since the beginning.

Jesus rebuked the religious Jews for their traditions (Mark 7).

The Apostle Paul warned about false teachers (savage wolves) rising up from the saints that he had discipled (Acts 20:29-31).

In this episode, I will introduce you to what you can learn from the series of episodes that will decipher some of these false doctrines that are hindering so many of Gods people from walking in the fullness of God.

What's in this episode.

Traditions of man, forsaking the commandments of God. (1:45)  


Why do we have false doctrines and how to overcome them. (5:11)


First false doctrine. - Pauls thorn in the flesh. (6:55.8)


#2 false doctrine  - Generational curses. (7:04) 


#3 false doctrine - God has given us 70 to 80 years. (8:53.5)


#4 false doctrine - Where 2 or 3 are gathered in My name I am there in the midst  (9:59)  People have believed that this is about prayer. It has nothing to do with prayer!


#5 false doctrine - I'm under attack. The devil is attacking me. (11:00) This one is possibly the worse of all. 


#6 false doctrine - Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. What is Paul talking about (12;34) If we read the context, we will see it clearly.


#7 false doctrine -  Get born again then receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit.  (a baptism of fire) so you can do the works of God. (14:07) If you don't have the Holy Spirit, then you are not born again. If you do have the Spirit, then you can do the works of Christ.


#8 false doctrine - Baptism of fire. (14:06) This false doctrine has and is hindering more Christians from bearing fruit for God. 

Be sure to download the episodes and really study them so that you can teach them to those in your home group or bible study. 


To download the episode on the Ho;y Spirit from the gospel series  Go to Recieve The Holy Spirit

If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar

If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines

Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode. 

Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples.

God Bless you all.

Love, Glenn.