Episode 7.


stop the contentions

Today there is so much disorder in Christian relationships. 

This episode is pt 1. of a series on Christian relationships, I start this first of the series with the conduct of a godly wife. 

We have seen more and more of women who are taking a stand and trying to take authority over man in families. THIS IS REBELION, as a result we see men who are forsaking the call of God because the wife doesn't agree with or want him to do what the Lord has commanded, thinking that this is keeping peace IT IS NOT. It is disobedience. Download The Episode Here.

The order of God is God, Christ, man, women. When this order is kept in the church and families, then there is the blessing of the Lord. When this is not the order then there is contention and strife.

So in this episode I take you through God's Word and give examples of God's men who disobeyed God and committed sin because of the influence of there wives. And then I will show from the Word what is the conduct of a godly wife. 

Men of God who brought calamity by submitting to their wives.

Adam  (3:36)


Abraham (5:28)


Samson (7:51)


David (9:23)


Solomon (10:32)


Solomon warns us in Proverbs about the lures of a women. 


Lady's don't be one of them.


It is true that a women can lead a godly man to sin. But it also true that a godly women can lead a ungodly man to Christ. The apostles Peter and Paul talk about this.



What is this godly conduct.



Not to teach or have authority over a man. WHY? (22:00)


To train younger women, be homemakers, obedient to their husbands. WHY? (23:37)


A gentile and quiet spirit, for this is precious in the sight of God. (26:10)


Why the husband dwells with his wife with understanding. Understands what? (28:01)


Back in 2012 I met a sister at a bible college who shared a testimony about how she was married to a un-believer and how she brought him to the Lord by doing what the scriptures said.

Here her story.



Why does a wife submit to her husband.



what does it mean for a husband to love his wife just like Christ loved the church. 




Why the church is not walking in the fullness of God. (non-submission).  Godly order explained by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14. Wives don't be contentious. Husband, be a man of God. 


In the next episode I teach you what is a godly husband. It is not what you maybe thinking.

 God Bless you as you obey the master.





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